How to hang pictures on the wall: options

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

The location of the paintings on the wall
The location of the paintings on the wall

How to place pictures on the wall? Wall decoration with various posters, paintings and photos has become fashionable in the modern world.

Works of great artists, photographs of close people look beautiful in the interior. In addition, they hide the minuses of the room, emphasize its positive features. But in order to achieve this, it is necessary to correctly place the pictures on the wall, and how to do this will tell the article.

What are the schemes for hanging pictures

Tip: To make several paintings look beautiful, they need to be made a little similar. For example, with the same frames. In this case, the images will get the perfect look, which will delight the eyes of the owners and their guests.

How to place pictures on the wall?

You can hang them in any order:

  • Randomly. It is always in fashion.
  • More clearly distribute images, which may even reflect the nature of their master.

The layout of the paintings on the wall is chosen by the owner himself, some of their options are presented in the figure:

Pattern Distribution Schemes
Pattern Distribution Schemes

What are the rules for choosing paintings in the interior of the room

Tip: To select paintings with perfect sizes, good quality and suitable image style, you should get acquainted with the proposals that modern magazines recommend, visit museums or picture galleries. This will help to more accurately determine the technique of room design.

First of all, the sizes of a picture for placement are selected. In modern homes, large canvases are practically not installed.

There are several reasons for this:

  • The picture on the whole wall will not look very nice.
  • To mount such art, fairly powerful and complex structures should be used.
  • The price of such paintings is quite high.

Modern large compositions consist of several small or medium sized art paintings, posters or photographs. At the same time, the design can be on the entire wall, and look easy and relaxed, creating the opportunity to constantly bring something new into it.

Before you properly hang pictures on the wall, you need to get acquainted with several rules:

  • Ensure mutual harmony:
  1. to form pictures in groups closer to the furniture, creating mutual harmony or square;
  2. in a room with a high ceiling, it is appropriate to place a rectangle that includes four paintings. You can hang six or eight, depending on the size of the room;
  3. the integrity of the canvas creates the placement of paintings closer to each other;
  4. use thin frames with a bright image, this will create a window effect.
  • How to properly position the paintings on the wall using symmetry and asymmetry.

In this case, the compositions are arranged by mixing sizes and shapes:

  1. asymmetrically. With this arrangement, paintings with different sizes are used, united by a common plot. For the unity of composition, the distance between the posters should not be too large. This option in the room adds dynamics;
  2. symmetrically. In this case, the overall style or content of the paintings is taken into account. Can be used:
  3. contrasting options;
  4. paintings with the same sizes, which perfectly balances the interior of the room, makes it strict and stable;
  5. in the form of a swarm when images line up around the main picture.
  • Correctly choose the frame and mat.

For visual alignment of the picture and its better perception, the type of frames or baguettes, mats used in the formation of compositions should be taken into account. It is better to arrange them in such a way that the bottom of the field is slightly larger than the top. This is the best option for vertical placement.

  • Fix room flaws. Wherein:
  1. proper placement of posters allows you to select a rest area above the corner sofa;
  2. for a visual increase in the height of the ceiling, images need to be arranged vertically;
  3. the horizontal position of the paintings visually increases the length of the wall;
  4. larger paintings in massive frames are appropriate over voluminous furniture; against this background, small pictures are lost;
  5. black and white canvases placed in an asymmetric order look good above the table in the office.
  • Create the joy of contemplation.

Tip: When hanging any image, you must follow the basic rule: works of art or posters should be conveniently located for viewing.

In this case, you can:

  1. use the museum option: place exhibits so that the distance to the middle of the picture from the floor is 1.6 meters;
  2. you can not hang pictures on the walls - as in the artist’s workshop, but rearrange them according to your mood without spoiling the walls with nails;
  3. with a sufficiently large canvas, it is better to put them directly on the floor;
  4. smaller paintings can be rearranged, swapped on a dresser or console;
  5. use a shallow but rather long shelf, and place the exposition on it to your liking, you can set statuettes and art objects between paintings.

Tip: Do not hang pictures in small rooms with your own hands in the traditional way: by aligning the pictures along the lower horizon in one line, it will be difficult to trace.

How to create a composition on the wall

To create a composition, you need to assemble a group of images suitable for certain parameters, which are often:

  • The color scheme or color. When choosing paintings, you need to pay attention to the coincidence of the color scheme of works or they complement each other.
  • Meaning. The motives of the paintings or their semantic content must be intertwined.

The manual suggests doing this this way:

  1. use the same frames for images;
  2. add a similar element in the design of each picture.
The semantic composition of the paintings
The semantic composition of the paintings

In addition, to create a composition you will need:

  • Choose the form in which the paintings will be placed. To better represent the end result, you can first draw a sketch in accordance with the image scale. This will help in the future to place the paintings and other elements of the composition correctly. In addition, before placing pictures on the wall, you can place them on the floor in the correct order.
  • Usually the composition of the paintings is located:
  1. in regular geometric shapes. This is suitable for paintings with the same dimensions or specially placed in the same frames. They can decorate cabinets (see Cabinet finishing: a non-standard approach) and office space;
  2. in a complete chaotic mess.
  • If the paintings are similar in color or content, but completely different in size, you must adhere to the basic rules of composition: “weight” should be distributed evenly:
  1. a large picture located in one of the corners should correspond in another to a composition of several small ones;
  2. if you place a rather dark picture on the one hand and light ones on the other, you should not balance everything.

How to create a series of paintings

Quite often there are paintings consisting of several parts.

Series of paintings
Series of paintings

With this original genre in art, one can create a feeling of lightness in paintings with the overall rather large sizes and integrity of the canvas, although in fact they are disconnected. The simplest option is the triptych, which is quite common in the design of different rooms - office or residential.

This picture consists of a series of episodes that are arranged together and hung out in approximately the same way as a puzzle is assembled. How to place paintings on the wall, choose the best option for your room will tell the video in this article.

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