Design facing stone natural and decorative
The method of decorating various surfaces with masonry has been used since time immemorial, being popular and quite common. The design of the facing stone with connected imagination and imagination allows you to come up with a lot of original solutions in almost any interior, with reference to any style.
It is difficult to find a photo without a small piece of masonry in the room, the creative approach of designers to the development of their finishing projects is embodied by masters. Professionals are happy to work with a grateful and noble stone, as evidenced by the many videos with working methods and step-by-step instructions for laying works.
The content of the article
Minimum stone knowledge
The design of apartments made of facing stone is distinguished by its advantages:
- The uniqueness and intensity of the texture.
- Naturalness and naturalness.
- Great soundproofing.
- Suitable price and a wide selection of colors.
- Durability, environmental friendliness, ease of care.
Usage Tips
Artistic expressiveness and monumental facing natural stoneIndispensable for architectural design of the facade and interior. What can be done with natural stone cladding to make even a small space play with all its facets?
- Correctly installed lighting emphasizes the texture and charm of natural stone.
- The combination of stone with warm fur, cashmere, carpets, fluffy pillows allows you to balance some cave cold material.
- Bright color accent of warm shades of yellow, orange, red colors enlivens the strict atmosphere.
- The facing stone in the design is emphasized by contrasting shades of joints. Focusing on the masonry of different-sized stones, you can achieve additional charm of stone finishes.
Attention: If the room is not spacious enough, you can decorate with natural stone only a small part of the wall, doorway or arch, which will not completely overload the interior and preserve the advantages of decoration.
- Quite a non-standard and original solution - ceiling decoration stone, sway at the whole ceiling pretentiously, but to create a corner with an intimate, warm atmosphere in the form of its own small cave is possible.
- The design with the facing stone brings harmony, makes it softer, combines the disparate elements of the interior into one whole, if it is painted.
- It is necessary to choose the type of stone that is suitable specifically for this interior, for example, brickwork looks perfect when decorating lofts, and in modern rooms it is appropriate. Facing with large stone segments of different shapes work well in country houses with a rustic style.
- If you decide to decorate the entire wall with stone, then it is better to use stones of various types, which adds dynamism to the interior, sets the rhythm for the whole space.
How to create a unique home
It is quite difficult to create an original, unforgettable house with your own hands, but you can take on some processes, especially mental ones and those where it's hard to spoil something.
- Exclusive facade decoration it is obtained from facing with natural stone: marble, quartzite, basalt, granite, tuffs, limestones, sandstone and many other materials.There is a widespread, erroneous opinion that the cost of facing a natural stone facade is an expensive pleasure.
Their aesthetic characteristics and physical properties are too high, but you can use the well-known technique of combining various textures, colors and materials to realize the most extraordinary, individual, original ideas and wishes. - Stone cladding in design makes its demands for combination and neighborhood with other wild stone species.
Attention: Silicate products cannot be combined with carbonate products, because both rocks contain chemicals that enter into reactions and destroy stones.
- The remaining rocks are benevolently adjacent to each other, except for combinations of sandstone and quartzite with marble, shell rock, limestone, travertine. There is a separate instruction on chemical compositions, properties and other useful information, you can see if you wish.
- The stone cladding design, which logically completes the interior and exterior decoration and the creation of a unique home, is perfect for mountainous and woodland areas.
- What you need to know if there is no experience in such works, but there is a desire to work for your loved ones.
- The optimal waiting period for finishing work after construction is six months, experts recommend a year or a half.
- It is necessary to pay attention to the choice of material, the lining can be made in the form of wild stone or polished boards with a sawn surface. There is a difference in the way they are laid.
- Stacking of the stone is mandatory for the mortar, and the formed seams are filled with sealant.
Attention: A small nuance is the presence of a small distance between the stones in the external decoration of the stone. Changes in weather conditions are insignificant, but affect the fluctuation of parameters, the material may increase or decrease in size.
- Small plates can be laid on mastic, there are technologies, the use of special solutions, fasteners to the wall and additional bonding of the plates to each other.
- The biggest secret is the production of artificial stones that do not look different from natural rocks, but are three times lighter. It is it that is convenient, as the facing stone for the apartment is volumetric design, color and texture practically do not differ from natural stone.
Cuts decorative rock grinder and for it does not require special machines with diamond, segmented discs or circles. - There is no need to experiment with the solution either, mastic or glue is sold in a specialized building materials store, you must carefully read the information on the packaging and strictly follow all the recommendations.
- Naturally, the work is not carried out in cold weather, “the rush is needed when catching fleas,” but here it will not give good results. The adhesive solution will harden quickly, it will turn out to be a very unreliable fastening of the lining and the base, and it is also not advisable to invest your own blood products in antifrosty additives.
It is easier to wait for a positive temperature and get a high-quality and reliable home decor.
Kinds and types of stone in design
- Cellular limestone is a fairly soft material that can wear out over time. Is this good or bad?
On the one hand, there is a positive point, because everything bothers over time and you want to change and get a new and fresh acquisition, on the other hand, not really, if you want reliability and durability. Cellular limestone contains pores that create the effect of a worn product under the influence of water; it is a very beautiful decorative stone.
It is successfully used both in the interior and to create a unique exterior and breed finishes. - Thin stone represents tiles with a certain thickness of 2.5 to 3.1 cm. It is made from natural rocks.
The combination of external attractiveness, light weight and comparative cheapness found their consumer in the broad sense of the word. Cladding plates are easy to install, since they are three times thinner and lighter than stone blocks, it is easier to transport and deliver to the installation site.
Outwardly, they look absolutely identical with natural blocks, and only a professional can distinguish the first from the second. - River pebbles - a variant of its application is presented in the photo above refers to the natural appearance of the stone. Pebbles are used not only on floors, but also used for exterior cladding of houses, for decorating fireplaces, aprons in the kitchen, landscaping flower beds and decorating kindergartens.
- Natural stone in construction can equal in antiquity only with a tree. A lot of positive properties - durability, wear resistance and the ability to maintain their original appearance without changes, ease of care and maintenance, although the application process requires expensive, special equipment.
The complexity of processing made it inaccessible in antiquity to many comers. Representatives of high society could afford a stone house.
Modern technology has brought it closer to a wide range of consumers and made it affordable.