Finishing the log house inside and out

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Facade of a log house
Facade of a log house

Most often, owners of log houses prefer to avoid the use of other materials in the exterior and interior walls. And it is right.
What is the point of putting a log house in order to then close the whole beauty of the walls? Finishing inside the log house, as well as outside, can, and should be done so as to emphasize the shape of the log wall, and the texture of the wood itself.
Do it yourself!

Log Cabin: Finishing Nuances

Design log home begins in the process of its construction. There are many techniques for cutting and stacking logs, which not only provide maximum strength to the walls, but also make them incredibly attractive.

  • Firstly, this is the configuration of the house itself: both four- and five-walled. Secondly, it is the angular dressings of logs - the most difficult part of the logging house.
    They are the main decoration of the log house.
  • Take at least the corner of the house, chopped "in the paw." When using this method, it turns out an unusually beautiful in form connection, which can be interestingly decorated by contrasting its elements and details.
Decorative cabin of a corner
Decorative cabin of a corner "in a paw"
  • The interior decoration of log houses “in the paw”, or “in the bowl”, can be performed identically to the external decor, with the selection of lines repeating the outlines of the corner joints and the lines of the joints of the logs.
  • For this purpose, a paint of contrasting color can be used, which can be painted not only joints, but also the ends of the log elements of the log house. It would seem nothing complicated, but how beautiful it is!
  • In such a straightforward way, even the finishing of old log cabins can be performed, which after coloring will look no worse than in the photo below. It is also important that the price of such a finish will be the lowest.
Finishing the old log house with contrast staining
Finishing the old log house with contrast staining
  • And yet, there is such a material as a decorative rope for finishing the log house, which has gained great popularity: both in the decoration of external walls and in the interior design of the log house.
Interventional logging
Interventional logging

  • Its main purpose is sealing interventional seams, thermal insulation of the walls of the house. A good aesthetic perception of the walls, for the insulation of which a rope is used to finish the log house, is, so to speak, a “side effect”.
    Moreover, the ropes can have a different diameter, color, and even weaving.
Finish nails
Finish nails
  • Ropes used for sealing and decor of seams between logs are made from jute, hemp, and flax. But they are weaved not only from natural, but also from artificial threads: kapron, polypropylene.
    Fixation of the rope on the interventional seams is carried out on the finishing nails, 5-6 cm long.
  • They pierce nails as often as possible so that the rope does not sag or puff. Rope trimming is done in the corners.
    Performing wall decoration decorative rope, painting their surface is done in stages. The first coat of paint is applied to the walls before mounting the rope, and the second coat after.
    If you want to independently perform such wall decor, watch the video first, and then boldly get to work!
The original design of the log house
The original design of the log house
  • In general, the originally made log cabin is beautiful in itself, and does not need special decor. Look at the image above and you will understand what is at stake.
    Here the corners are chopped with the remainder, where the length of the ends of the logs varies, as well as the configuration of their ends.
  • In this way, not only the corners of the log house were made, but also the veranda with unusually beautiful near-window zones.And the surface of the walls is simply painted with light paint to draw attention not on the texture of the tree, but on the beautiful configuration of the elements of the log house.
Inside the log house: interior decoration
Inside the log house: interior decoration

Home decoration from logs chopped with the remainder, it is performed exactly according to the same principle as on the facade. And our example confirms this: log walls can easily do without additional coatings!

Interior design of a chopped house

Solving the task of decorating the home’s interior, it’s worth considering how and how to “dilute” the uniform surface of the walls, because the interior of the log houses is made according to a slightly different scenario than on the facade. And we will be happy to give you some tips on this subject.

The stove in the house, faced with talcahlorite
The stove in the house, faced with talcahlorite


  • Suppose you trimmed the joints of logs on the walls with a rope, or paint, as in our example. What next? What interior element to focus on?
    The first answer is: if there is a fireplace or stove in the room - this is the solution to the problem.
  • We strain our imagination and think about how to revet the stove itself, the wall to which it adjoins and the chimney. Application in fireplace decoration smooth tiles made of natural stone: marble, onyx, talchochlorite, granite, give the interior a solid and rich look.
    Especially if with this cladding such interior accessories as chandeliers, furniture, cornices and curtains will be in harmony.
Artificial stone in the design of a log interior
Artificial stone in the design of a log interior
  • Finishing inside the log house can also be done using artificial stone. Decorative rock lighter in weight, they can be faced not only with the chimney, but also with the entire wall adjacent to the fireplace, or, for example, a staircase.
  • To do this, pre-sheathe the surface of the wall with cement-bonded particleboards. DSPs are a good base for facing with stone or tile, and at the same time they are not afraid of moisture.
    Therefore, you will also need such covering in the decoration of the bathroom, if you will make tile lining in it.
  • By the way, the original staircase with a beautiful parapet will also play a significant role in the design of the lobby or living room. A magnificent decoration of the interior of a log house can be a stove, tiled with tiles, or majolica.
    Believe me, such a finish will not go unnoticed, and will attract the eye.
Majolica stove
Majolica stove
  • Naturally, thinking about the design of the walls, do not forget about the design of the ceiling. If possible, supporting structures should be used in its decoration.
    Let's say these are ceiling beams, as in the picture above. Sew the space between them with a lining, or drywall, paint to match the beams, or in contrast - and the house will have a beautiful ceiling.
  • Finishing the log cabins inside with drywall, is done in order to get a smooth surface that can be painted or wallpapered. This method is one of the most effective in solving problems of decorating the interior of a wooden house.
The use of GCR in the design of a log house
The use of GCR in the design of a log house
  • If desired, GKL sheets can be sheathed and all the walls of the room, but it is best to do this finish in combination - on one or two walls. To finish the surface of drywall, it is worth choosing beautiful embossed wallpaper for painting.
    The contrast of the log walls with a light color can also be made with contrasting wallpapers with a large pattern, as in our example.

Many other ways of decorating the premises can also decorate the interior of a wooden house: art parquet, wood carving, hand-painted, wicker furniture, properly selected textiles. Look for suitable options, combine them, create your own unique design.
We hope that our short instruction helped you to understand the issues of exterior and interior decoration of a log house, and the house will simply amaze your friends and relatives with its originality.

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