House of timber: what facade decoration can do
Construction is not finished yet, and how to finish a house from a bar from the outside is a topic more relevant than the process of building a structure. The facade is not only the face of the owner, it affects the status of people and the reputation of the area where they live.
Behind a shabby facade, specialists who inspire the trust of customers do not work and self-respecting owners do not live. It is practically impossible to obtain a guaranteed level of quality when performing facade work with your own hands.
Facade improvement is carried out by specialists with training and experience in industrial mountaineering.
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Which material and finish is better
Any finishing material has its own quality indicators and characteristics. How to make the right choice and not drown in the advice of relatives, colleagues and specialists?
There are many opinions, but we have to decide for ourselves:
- Exterior home decoration it is made of timber with panels and looks like plaster or wood. The joining of the plates is made invisible, a strong fastening does not allow precipitation to penetrate inside.
- Facing made of natural and artificial stone, which looks very noble, and most importantly majestically, regally and beautifully, is partially or fully performed. It serves as a reliable protection of walls from external changes in temperature and winds for many years.
The abundance of options for artificial or decorative stone for facade work allows it to fit into any design and on any surface.
Attention: Wall decoration with stone or brick is done after preliminary surface preparation.
- Facade decoration houses made of timber with granite allows you to get the face of the building is not only durable, but also easy to care for. The advantages of porcelain stoneware include durability and strength, it does not depend on temperature differences, humidity and mechanical damage.
- Plaster refers to the old, but not aging, method of updating and protecting the facade of the building. Masters who have mastered the modern look of plaster make embossed surfaces that can be painted.
The main task of plaster when performing any finishing work is to level the surface for subsequent operations. Exterior decoration of the house from a bar is carried out with a gypsum mixture, lime or cement-sand mortar for plastering the facade.
This work relates to a time-consuming task that requires certain knowledge and skills, and the end result may not be ideal. Use simpler options for finishing the facade, modern technologies and materials allow you to perform work yourself. - Brick is a long-lived, used for many of the most diverse works, for construction and cladding. It does not burn, it passes air well, retains heat for a long time. A house with a brick cladding looks not only beautiful, but it gets warmer.
A horizontal waterproofing is made along the bottom edge. The high price of materials increases for paying for brick cladding, because the implementation of these works requires professional training.
Note: Brick cladding begins with a minimum height of 50-70 cm from the ground so that the brick does not absorb moisture from snow and soil.
- Facade decoration siding removes the question of cheap material and independent work.The cost of one square meter of this material starts from 160 rubles.
Finishing the house from a bar outside is selected from the many textures and colors offered by manufacturers. It is not only a protection against environmental influences, but also a decoration.
Varieties of siding
Belongs to the most popular materials for facade decoration at present. In the photo and video materials, the tendency to use these panels is clearly visible.
Why are they attractive to consumers:
- Steel or metal siding is used mainly for the decoration of industrial buildings, which include the walls of warehouses and workshops. The main advantage is its strength and flexibility, does not fade in the sun.
The disadvantage is expressed in large weight, high cost and the appearance of dents on the surface during impacts. Additional corrosion protection is required, for which its surface is treated with special compounds. - Vinyl is one of the most popular types of siding. Outwardly, it resembles ordinary boards and retains its appearance in its original form for years.
Very easy to clean, the most inexpensive and affordable finish of a timber house outside, with low weight and a large design choice. It is characterized by durability, a surface that does not fade in the sun, is not afraid of fungal diseases and mold, does not require processing.
It is used for facing and decorating obsolete and boring surfaces. It is enough to wash the facade cladding once every several years with a detergent and enjoy the former shine for the same amount of time. - Cement, fiber cement siding is resistant to fire, but rarely used for cladding residential premises. The high cost, impressive weight and complexity in processing do not allow its use in bulk quantities.
- Wooden siding is very similar to real wood. Finishing the house from the outside with a timber siding is performed, but more often it is used for interior cladding.
Its qualities, which can be attributed to disadvantages - high cost, short service life, fear of moisture and fire hazard, make you think before purchasing and using. - Finishing the house from a beam with an external imitation of a beam emphasizes the individuality of the structure, it is performed on wooden houses from a beam and logs. The question is, why fence the garden?
I want to keep the house, its appearance and atmosphere in pristine, and over time, the tree loses its appearance, may darken. Its restoration will cost much more than plank imitation.
The best finish imitation timber
Finishing performs a primary and secondary function. The main function of the exterior is protective, and the secondary is decorative.
Inside, it's the other way around.
- Between the insulation and panels it is necessary to leave a ventilated gap.
- The corners come together endlessly without protrusions. They are decorated and covered with end boards to protect the ends from moisture.
- Exterior finish of a timber house with imitation allows you to reproduce logs or glued profiled timber. Only a specialist is able to notice the absence of characteristic releases and cuts.
Material imitation of a bar does not crack from time to time, as a natural tree with the same section.
Work sequence
Finishing the outside of the house from a bar is a complex process of the following stages in succession:
- Determination of volumes, materials, components and consumables.
- The choice of material for the decoration of the facade is one of the most responsible decisions controlled by specialists.
- Walls made of wooden beams are treated with protective compounds, solutions and special substances against decay and fire.
- Different technologies imply different preparation of walls, including the device of the crate.
- Insulation and its installation are selected individually for each building. Most often, stone wool is used.
- Finishing the log house externally depends on the material chosen, refers to the last stage of the facade cladding and the installation of materials on the walls.
- The final stage of construction work is the installation of a drainage system and a neat roof file.
Imitation fachwerk finish
Half-timbered decoration widely used in Europe, looking at these buildings, you remember Andersen's tales. Refers to the traditional medieval style, which is attached to the usual structure by facade decoration with modern panels of DSP or OSB.
Log houses and fachwerk-style exterior contain certain components:
- A framework formed by vertical and horizontal elements.
- Braces from wooden bars.
- Brick, stone, and other materials that fill the gaps.
- Visual dividers of the facade into a variety of geometric shapes. They are racks, wooden braces, crossbars, giving a picturesque and spectacular image to the house.
The instruction and completed projects on the facade decoration not only with one material, but also with their combination, presented by manufacturers, help to make the right choice.