Facade decoration of private houses: design for every taste

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Exterior finish of a private house. An example of a combined facade cladding with siding and natural stone
Exterior finish of a private house. An example of a combined facade cladding with siding and natural stone

The final stage of construction is the exterior of a private house. From how the facade of the country house will be decorated, and from what material the attractiveness of the appearance will largely depend.
Protection of the bearing walls of the house from adverse weather conditions also directly depends on the quality of the cladding.

What is the use of cladding for load-bearing walls

Exterior Wall Decoration any home is designed to perform several functions.

  • aesthetic appeal of the appearance of the house;
  • hide construction defects;
  • protect load-bearing walls from adverse weather conditions;
  • provide in winter and summer comfortable living conditions;

It should be remembered that all new buildings are settling. So that the outer cladding is not cracked or warped, it must be done only after the house settles.
Also, keep in mind that any facade cladding is an additional burden on the foundation. Therefore, the type of finish must be determined in advance and in accordance with this arrange the foundation.

What material is the facades finished with?

Facing the facade of your own home can be one of the following methods:

  • natural stone;
  • artificial stone;
  • siding;
  • wooden lining;
  • block house;
  • facing brick;
  • decorative tiles;
  • stone chips;
  • combined finish;

Natural stone cladding

Facing the facade with natural stone guarantees durability and original appearance.

Facade clad in natural stone
Facade clad in natural stone

The ground floor of the house is most often trimmed with natural stone, but it is not uncommon for the exterior walls of private houses to be completely or in combination with other types of natural stone. finishing materials.
Finishing with natural stone of the bearing walls of the house is:

  • high quality;
  • weather protection of the walls;
  • attractive appearance for many decades;
  • strength;

For facing facades of private cottages, the following natural minerals are used:

  • Granite - the most common stone for exterior decoration of private houses. Its distinctive feature is high strength and durability.
  • Marble - easy to process, polished marble has a rich palette of colors and shades, this is one of the most expensive finishing materials.
  • Basalt - Its characteristics are very similar to granite.
  • Quartzite - a very hard mineral, different from other natural stones interspersed with quartz grains.
  • Limestone - for the outer cladding, its more dense varieties are used.
  • Sandstone - very porous, soft mineral, easy to grind.
  • Slate - One of the most inexpensive representatives of natural cameos, it has found application in the exterior decoration of facades because of its original, layered appearance.

Artificial stone cladding

Artificial stone in the construction market has appeared recently. Today, this finishing material is widely used for facades private homes.
It is quite difficult to distinguish from natural stone at a glance. It has become popular due to its low cost, almost unlimited decorative possibilities and ease of installation.
The composition of artificial stone includes:

  • acrylic or carbide resins;
  • polymer concrete;
  • cement;
  • various dyes;
Finishing the facade of a country house. Fake diamond
Finishing the facade of a country house. Fake diamond

Polymer binders increase strength and improve performance.

When choosing this finishing material, take an interest in its composition. Some polymers can be unhealthy.

The sizes of artificial tiles vary widely. Their area can be from 5 cm² to 0.5 m² and a thickness of 1-2 cm. The thickness of the stone imitating cobblestones can be up to 10 cm

Exterior decoration of a country house with siding

Of all the types of siding that are produced by industry, only two are used to decorate the facades of private houses:

  • vinyl siding;
  • wood siding;
Facade decoration of a private house with vinyl siding
Facade decoration of a private house with vinyl siding

Vinyl siding is the most versatile. It is used for ventilated facades.
Vinyl siding has such properties that made it popular:

  • durability;
  • attractive appearance;
  • ease of installation;
  • extensive color gamut;
  • good ventilation of load-bearing walls;
  • fire safety;
  • profitability;
  • environmentally friendly, harmless to health;

Wooden siding is the same wooden lining, which is made not of solid wood, but of wood fibers, which are pressed using various resins.

Facade decoration with wooden siding
Facade decoration with wooden siding

It is distinguished from vinyl siding by the following properties:

  • requires care like natural wood;
  • fire hazard;
  • much more expensive;
  • limited lifetime;
  • some resins used in its manufacture may be harmful to health;

Cladding the exterior walls with wooden paneling

Lining is made of natural wood. It is a board up to 16 mm thick, which, on the one hand, has a spike and on the other hand has a groove. When assembling, the groove of the upper board is worn on the spike of the lower board, and a beautiful, even wall is hidden behind which all construction defects.
Wooden lining is made of such wood:

  • Pine;
  • oak;
  • alder;
  • beech;
  • Linden;
  • ash;
Cladding the exterior wall with wooden paneling
Cladding the exterior wall with wooden paneling

In the figure, the numbers indicate:

  1. insulation;
  2. vapor permeable membrane;
  3. wooden lining;

But it should be borne in mind that the tree is short-lived material, and without special treatment the lining will not stand for a long time. Therefore, after a certain period of time, all wooden parts of the facade should be subjected to additional processing.

Exterior finish of a private house with a block house

One of the options for wooden lining is block house. It is a processed board in which one side is flat and the other is convex. Assembled

Facade cladding with a block house
Facade cladding with a block house

The material for the manufacture of the block house is mainly coniferous trees - this is pine and larch.
They are most popular due to the following characteristics:

  • relatively low cost;
  • the presence in their composition of antiseptic resins guaranteeing the durability of such a facade;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • excellent heat insulating properties;
  • this wood is not affected by ultraviolet rays;
  • tolerate maximum temperature differences;
It looks like a panel from a block house
It looks like a panel from a block house

Deciduous trees such as oak, birch or alder have not found such widespread use because of their high cost.
But if you wish, you can order a block house made of oak. This is expensive material, but it looks very impressive and will last for more than a dozen years.

Facade decoration with facing brick

The use of bricks of different colors for facade cladding
The use of bricks of different colors for facade cladding

A good option for finishing the facade of a private house is the use of facing bricks.
Brick facade decoration will solve such problems:

  • give the facade of your home a beautiful, unique look;
  • protect load-bearing walls from the weather;
  • mask construction defects;
  • additionally insulate the house;

The facing brick has all the qualities that are necessary for the finishing material for outdoor work:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to frost and high temperatures;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • a variety of colors will solve any design plans;
Installation of the facade wall
Installation of the facade wall

Facing masonry has considerable weight and therefore it is necessary to lay a foundation under it. For new construction, the width of the foundation is calculated taking into account the width of the lining.
In the existing structure, it is necessary to arrange an additional foundation.

Facade decoration with decorative tiles

Facade of the house, tiled with decorative tiles
Facade of the house, tiled with decorative tiles

Every year, the requirements for the quality of the exterior decoration of private houses are growing. Finishing materials are becoming more diverse.
Facade tiles are one of the most common materials for exterior cladding.
It is perfect for facing new homes, as well as for finishing existing ones. At the same time, old houses acquire a completely different, modern look.
Several varieties of tiles are available:

  • terracotta tiles - red clay is used to make it, they are burned at a temperature of 1300ºC, it has a natural clay color, very durable;
  • decorative tiles with a layer of thin glass coating;
  • decorative tiles coated with a thin layer of ceramics;
  • decorative two-layer tile, on which a ceramic coating is applied by baking;
Exterior wall decoration with facade tiles
Exterior wall decoration with facade tiles

Decorative tiles have such distinctive features:

  • high strength;
  • light weight, does not require an additional foundation;
  • does not support combustion;
  • very low coefficient of moisture absorption;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • high frost resistance;
  • the tile is resistant to ultraviolet radiation;

Facing the facade with stone chips

Stone chips are natural small pebbles that are mixed with adhesive and adhesive.

The richest choice of colors and shades (stone crumb on the left, quartz on the right)
The richest choice of colors and shades (stone crumb on the left, quartz on the right)

There is a stone crumb of various colors, and each color still has a lot of shades. By combining with different colors you can achieve unique design solutions.
In construction stores you can buy crumbs from various materials:

  • quartz;
  • granite;
  • marble;

The facade, faced with crumbs, perfectly resists adverse weather conditions.

Facade of the house revetted with marble chips
Facade of the house revetted with marble chips

Finishing the exterior walls with marble chips looks amazing.
Stone chips have the following advantages:

  • the crumb can be applied on a different basis (concrete, drywall, plaster, brick, foam concrete, etc.);
  • stone chips are not exposed to ultraviolet rays;
  • well resists mechanical stress;
  • easily tolerates temperature changes;
  • possesses vapor permeability, allows walls to "breathe";
  • has a long service life;

Combined decoration of facades of private houses

In conclusion, I want to say that there are no ideal finishing materials. Each material has its positive and negative qualities.
Therefore, you should not stop your choice on any one finishing material. We must try to experiment with different types of facade decoration.
Photos will tell you what your facade can be.

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