Facade decoration: options
In recent years, there has been a surge in interest in the exterior cladding of buildings, allowing them to be distinguished and made original. Decorative decoration of the facade of the house can be done in a variety of ways - each of them has its own nuances and requirements.
The technology for decorating facades depends on many factors: from which the walls were erected, what material is chosen for exterior decoration, whether it is necessary to produce insulation. In this article, we will discuss with you these, and many other questions that will help you in choosing the right option.
The content of the article
Types of Exterior Finishing
Whatever type of decoration you choose, for its implementation you will need several types of materials: finishing, auxiliary, fixing. Indeed, the list of works includes finishing the decorative facade of the house, windows and entrance doors, stairs and porches, pediments (seeFinishing the pediment in accordance with all the rules).
Each of them consists of various elements that allow you to conditionally divide them into monolithic and overhead:
- The concept of "monolithic" can include those facade elements that are cast from gypsum or cement mortar, right at the construction site. They are an addition and an integral part of the structural elements of the building.. That is, they remain forever.
- All other types of finishes are consignment notes - if necessary, the material can be removed from the wall, and replaced with another. Laid on decor, in turn, can be facing and sheathing.
The technology of decorative decoration of the facade, which provides for the attachment of patch elements to a mortar or glue, is called facing.
- Everything that requires a metal or wooden frame to be attached to the wall is a casing. These include wood facade, plastic, siding, OSB and HPL panels.
Very often, to create an individual facade design, these decoration methods are combined, as in the photo above.
In this case, several types of materials can be used simultaneously. We will talk about the merits of each of them.
Decorative plaster
Stucco home decoration is perhaps one of the oldest ways to decorate brick and block houses. He still has not lost its relevance.
- Decorative plaster can decorate any, even the most modest house - and its price is quite affordable for wide layers of the population. Our example depicts just such a house, whose plastered facade looks neat and attractive.
- Consider the nuances of such a finish. Many types of plaster mixes are sold separately from fillers.
The same thing with pigments. This makes it possible to vary the color and structure of the solution. - To create a relief on the surface of the plaster, a filler in the form of marble, granite or quartz chips is added to the last batch, which will go to the finish layer. In this case, filler and pigment were added only for plastering the plinth, window areas and corners of the building.
- Other types of materials can be successfully applied to finish these structural elements, competently combining them in color with a plastered surface. It can be various types of tiles, facing bricks or decorative stone.
- As for the window areas and the windows themselves, there are even more options: polyurethane or plastic lining, corners, wrought-iron grills and beautiful shutters. If the house has a balcony or terrace, then the facade will be decorated with an original parapet.
- Unusual popularity among the population, the front decoration "bark beetle" enjoys. This is the type of decorative plaster.
It is sold in a dry, balanced composition, already with a filler. Having bought this mixture, it remains only to dilute it with water, as stated by the manufacturer’s instructions and, if necessary, add pigment.
- The bark beetle decoration of the facade is carried out with a solution on an acrylic or cement basis. Plaster options are more suitable for interior finishes.
The relief on the surface of such plaster is achieved due to certain movements of the tool in different directions.
Stone crumb, rolling from place to place, forms grooves resembling the structure of a tree pierced by a bark beetle. Hence the name of the plaster.
Finishing the facade with a “bark beetle” is not particularly difficult, and therefore it can very well be done independently.
Stone: artificial and natural
Stone, especially natural, can not be attributed to the budget options for outdoor decoration, but this does not become less popular. Maybe because this material is one of the most durable.
- Exterior decoration of a house with decorative stone can be either fragmentary or solid. For its implementation, a variety of types of stone are used.
The effect of such a decor entirely depends on the breed, each of which has its own pattern, color and texture. - Natural stone is mainly used for finishing the basement, porch, wall fragments, panels on the pediment. This and various types of rubble stone, granite, labradorite, limestone, tuff - all not to list. When it comes to the continuous decoration of the facade, artificial analogs are still preferred to natural stone.
- Firstly, natural stone finishes, all the more solid, few people can afford.
Secondly, the considerable weight of the stone creates an additional load on the walls and foundation of the house. Thirdly, the expensive transportation of material to the construction site. - Artificial decorative stone for exterior decoration of the house can be made right at the place of work, and this at once solves many problems. Manufacturers offer our attention dry mixes and pigments that make it possible to imitate pebbles, cobblestones, rubble stone, or, for example, granite.
Finished artificial stone in appearance will be indistinguishable from a natural option.
- For the manufacture of molds, several samples of stone and a box in which they need to be laid will be required. All this is filled with liquid silicone, sold in cans, in almost all construction stores.
The solution for the production of stone will be poured into these forms. - If you have chosen just this way of decoration, watch the video to clarify all the nuances. What is good about this technology is that it allows you to make not only stone or tile, but also more complex configurations for decorating the facade: arched and corner details, elements of columns, stairs and window zones.
- To fix the stone to the wall there is a special adhesive that allows you to mount it on any surface: concrete, wood, brick, metal. To prevent excessive absorption of moisture, the surface of the artificial stone is treated with a primer.
- The only thing in which it is inferior to natural stone is strength. Therefore, where loads are assumed (plinths, blind areas, stair steps), it is better to use natural stone.
- For decorating the facades of large buildings, thermal panels are most often used. The decorative layer of these panels is stone or ceramic tile.
After all, laying out a large area from small parts is almost impossible.
- Flexible acrylic tiles can imitate stone in the decoration of the facade. This material has no direct relation to stone, but its surface is always stylized as brick or stone.
Acrylic tiles are lightweight, resistant to temperature extremes, inexpensive compared to stone. Due to its flexibility, it makes it possible to clad semicircular surfaces, for example: an arch or a column.
It is often used for combined decoration of the facade of a house, outbuildings and fences.
Tile and brick
More familiar and beloved by many is the facade decoration option, is ceramic tile. The widest assortment offered by the manufacturers of these products allows us to create original facade designs: combine tiles both in color and texture, and combine with other materials.
- Tiles, like stone, are not always used for continuous cladding. Most often, this is the basement, porch, stairs and window areas.
To finish the multi-storey building, they also use thermal panels, which we mentioned in the previous chapter, only they are not lined with stone, but with ceramic tiles.
- For the decoration of facades, two types of ceramic tiles are mainly used - clinker and “boar”. The technologies of their production, and the appearance, are completely different.
The configuration of both types, most often rectangular, similar to a small clay brick. - The colors of clinker tiles usually correspond to different grades of clay. Tile itself, like clinker brick, has high density and strength and is used not only in the decoration of facades, but also in landscape design.
- Exterior decorative bricks are mainly used for continuous cladding of a building. Let's say a house is built of timber, cinder blocks, or concrete panels.
Facing brick will not only decorate the unpresentable facade of such a house - it will create an additional margin of safety, and improve the thermal insulation of the walls.
- The tile called "wild boar" comes from the factory in the form of a sort of blank in the form of a brick, with two holes along the longitudinal axis. Each side of the disc has a front finish: glaze or relief. Before installation, they hit her body with a hammer, and the brick turns into two voluminous, convex tiles.
- Due to its volume, this tile is used even in the decoration of high-rise buildings. To create a design, it can be stacked in different directions.
There are many technologies for its installation. If initially the “boar” tile was intended exclusively for the decoration of facades, now it is often used indoors. - Relatively recently, another finishing material has appeared - porcelain. In its composition and production technology, it has nothing to do with ceramics.
But porcelain tile is not at all inferior in strength to ceramic, and in appearance it can be very similar to clinker.
- Although anything can imitate such a tile. In the presented example, the decorative facade decoration is made of granite, stylized as natural stone.
Naturally, more sophisticated and modern technologies are used for its manufacture, which cannot but affect its price. But the result is worth it!
And here is another wonderful example of how the decorative facade of a house can be decorated. A beautiful panel is made on the plastered facade, and it is very difficult to guess what material was used for this?
And this is just porcelain tile with a full-color image. As you know, you can use this option tiles inside the house.
Facade wood
And finally, let's talk a little about how to use wood in the exterior decoration of the house. Most often, a lining board is used for this.
Of the six existing varieties of boards, for the decoration of the facade, you can use imitation timber, block house and euro lining, which has a standard section.
- The finish of the board can be done to emphasize the texture of the tree, using stains and colored varnishes for this. And you can simply paint its surface monotonously, in any color you like.
And the main decoration of such a facade can be carved cornices and window frames, original shutters and a porch.
- If we are talking about a log house, then there is no need to sheathe it. As a finish, the logs are carefully scraped and ground, and then treated in the same way as a lining.
All those elements that we just mentioned will decorate the facade of the house, and in this case.
We didn’t tell about all types of facade decoration - it’s impossible to tell about everything at once. But we really hope that the information that has already been presented will give you a good idea for the design.
And it doesn’t matter if you do it yourself or invite experts. The main thing is that the facade of your house is original and memorable.