Facing the base with artificial stone: do it right

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Artificial stone for facing the base
Artificial stone for facing the base

Artificial stone for facing the basement is often used to decorate houses. And this speaks in his favor.
True, it is worth knowing how this material differs from other types of cladding. In this article, we will consider how the facing is made with an artificial stone basement, determine its positive and negative sides.
You will be able to see photos and videos on this topic and after that decide whether this decoration is suitable for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The proposed material has its positive and negative sides.
So let's get to know it better:

  • Cladding basement house artificial stone can be done with your own hands and this will reduce the cost of the entire structure. This is of course a plus;
  • This is a durable material that will last quite a long time and therefore it is worthy of attention. It contains only natural ingredients and therefore it will not harm your health;
  • For the basement, you should choose a material that tolerates temperature extremes and high humidity. This material fully meets these parameters;
  • It is easy to process, unlike natural material, so it facilitates installation;
  • Facing the base with a decorative stone is not a heavy construction and therefore you will not need to do foundation reinforcement and you will avoid additional costs;
  • In retail there are a large number of colors and textures, so you can quite create your own design solution;
  • The price of this material is much lower than natural and this speaks in its favor.

We finish

The artificial facing stone for the base can be completely laid with your own hands. Only for this we must comply with the rules of technology.
And then the finish will last for many years. First, pick up the material and purchase it.
At the same time, you should not take elements back to back, remember, you will have waste. When buying, pay attention to the quality certificate.
At what temperatures can it be operated. There are those elements that are suitable only for interior decoration. This is not necessary.

Surface preparation

This is the first thing we start work with. Proper surface preparation is the key to quality work and surface service life.

  • We do a surface inspection. Immediately remove everything that protrudes and remove the old coating. To do this, use a brush for metal or a chisel with a hammer;
  • If the surface is brick, then it is best to deepen the seams and use a hammer and chisel for this. Sometimes the base is made of concrete, then it is necessary to apply notches to the surface with the help of an ax.
    This will enhance the adhesion of the material;
  • After that, apply a coat of primer. To do this, use a brush or spray;
  • The facing artificial stone for the base must lie correctly and base trim must have the correct geometric shape. To do this, we need to indicate the level of installation. We put at risk on one side of the wall;
  • Now it must be transferred to other walls. To do this, it is best to use a hydraulic level.
    It is available for sale or make it yourself. Move the mark;
  • After this, the risks must be combined. To do this, we use kapron thread and just beat off the size.
    We now have a fastening line, which we should adhere to.

Solution preparation

We need material on which the elements will be qualitatively fastened.It should have a uniform composition without lumps, debris and clots.
We do it as follows. Some advise to lay on adhesive solution.
But it is not as reliable as cement and also much cheaper.
If you do not have a smooth wall, then the costs will be significant:

  • Cement mortar consists of sand and cement. Which are connected in a ratio of 3/1. Although for finishing the base, you can make an increase in cement. This ratio applies to the M300;
  • Pour sand into the container for kneading and then add cement in the right amount;

Note: For kneading, it is best to use containers without stiffeners and along the edges. They make it difficult to knead quality.

  • The resulting composition is mixed first on dry;
  • Add water and then make the mass homogeneous. To do this, it is best to use a drill with a nozzle. It is she who will make the solution qualitatively.

Do the masonry

All work is done according to certain rules that are worth following. Instructions for the implementation of the work are as follows.
Masonry can be performed in two versions, this is with or without a seam. It is easier to do the job seamlessly, but you just need to correctly and accurately adjust all the details.
Further, the difficult second option is using a seam during masonry. Here it is necessary to maintain uniformity and this will be discussed further.
Everything is done according to the following principles:

  • If your foundation allows you to fasten the material in width and do not need to strengthen it, then you can proceed with the masonry. Artificial stone can be of different widths.
    This is a cladding in the form of a tile, which has a small thickness. And it can be wider.
    It must be properly attached to the wall and create a solid structure. First, waterproofing should be put on the foundation.
    You can apply the simplest roofing material. It will prevent the penetration of moisture into the masonry;
  • Now we need to do the masonry and start from the corner of the building. Masonry never begins immediately.
    First, you just need to lay out the desired pattern on a flat plane. Correctly distribute items.
    Fit the desired shape. To do this, use a grinder with a cutting wheel;
We begin to do the cladding from the corner
We begin to do the cladding from the corner
  • Now if the wall is very wet, we wet it with water;
  • We do the styling of elements in order, while we must use a gauge, this is the level and plumb. We closely monitor the configuration of the corners. Deviations are possible here;
  • For the fortress, nails can be placed in the laying of the base plane. They will increase traction and hold better;

Attention: If you have a very uneven surface and you need to apply a thick layer of mortar, then it is worth putting a building mesh on the plane, which will improve the bonding of the surfaces.

Drawing the grid on the base of the building
Drawing the grid on the base of the building

  • We do the first row completely and use the building level for its laying. It should lie perfectly flat.
    All will go from him plinth trim;
  • Also for the corners use crosses that strictly keep a right angle;
  • For the correctness of the seam, a template is used, which should be prepared in advance;
  • The edges of the order details must not match. Usually staggered masonry;
  • We apply a solution to the element and begin to press it and make slightly rotational movements. The element must sit correctly and there must not be dutiks in the masonry;
Make the first row
Make the first row
  • When attaching, a solution will flow through the seams. Therefore, it should immediately be deleted.
    Otherwise, it will penetrate the surface of the cladding and it will be difficult to remove it. Do it right away;
  • After finishing a certain area, let the solution dry a little. So that it does not dry, but remains moist and after that make a lining.

Attention: When finishing the base, it should be remembered that the material should overlap the dew point by at least ten cm. Otherwise, this will lead to the formation of condensation.If your finish protrudes beyond the main plane, then you should not forget to put a visor that will drain water when it rains.

There is an instruction and you can begin to do the work. In such work, it is very important not to rush and do everything efficiently.
The most important thing is marking correctly. Do not strive to make the surface of the cladding perfectly smooth while simulating natural stone.
Some bulges will make the plane more natural.

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