Plaster calculation: calculator

Zaglumin Victor

Plastering the walls with your own hands does not pose serious difficulties. To help a beginner - Internet recommendations, photos, videos. But mistakes due to lack of knowledge and experience increase the cost of money and time. The main financial investment in repairs is the purchase of material. Incorrect calculation of plaster for decoration leads to unnecessary costs.

If the master has acquired an insufficient amount of the mixture, the plastering is interrupted, a trip is organized for a new batch of material, delivery is additionally paid. When buying excess quantities: the remaining 2 or 3 bags take up space in the room, the plaster in the printed packaging releases a dust suspension into the air, over time it is saturated with moisture and loses its properties.

Calculator - Plasterer Helper

Calculation of material costs using a calculator

To avoid unnecessary waste of money and time, before starting work, make an accurate calculation of the plaster. The calculator on this site is a reliable assistant to the novice master. Using this function, the plaster is calculated based on data on the surface area and the concrete grade of the mixture. First, the necessary measurements are made. Then, the parameters are entered into the calculator for calculating the plaster: layer thickness, type of dry mix, weight of the factory packaging, length and height of the walls.

Important! After calculating the required amount of plaster, add 5-10 percent of the stock to the obtained value. The actual consumption of the finished solution increases due to falling onto the floor, residues on the tools, filling small cells of porous walls, cracks and crevices.

Calculation of the amount of plaster: what affects the consumption of material

The instruction on the packaging of the dry mix includes recommendations for the preparation of the solution, the consumption rate per square meter for a coating layer of 10 mm. But these recommendations are only initial data for further calculations. The individual conditions of a particular object influence the consumption of materials. Namely:

  • total wall area;
  • surface curvature;
  • dry mix properties, brand;
  • packing volume of the bag;
  • average coating thickness;
  • base properties (wall material);
  • type of plaster texture.

The amount of material and the final repair price depend on these factors. For calculations, accurate and reliable data are needed, therefore, measurements must be carried out competently and carefully.

Observe the proportions of the solution

The calculation of the plaster area at the facility is made by measuring the height and length of each wall. This work is rationally performed in conjunction with an assistant and use roulette. The thickness of the coating depends on the type of plaster and the condition of the substrate.

Decorative plasters are applied on a flat surface. The layer thickness for the compositions "Bark beetle", "Venetian plaster", for the texture of "fur coat", "karakul" and imitations of natural materials is set by the manufacturer of the mixture. For leveling materials, the thickness is determined within 1-5 cm and depends on the curvature of the walls. Each type of plaster has its individual parameters of structural density, consistency, and the ratio of liquid to dry matter in solution. Therefore, mixtures of various grades are consumed in different proportions.

Typical filling volume for finishing materials is 25 or 30 kg. Dry mixes are sold in laminated paper bags. The weight of the bag is important for calculating the number of packages when purchasing material.

The curvature of the walls has a major effect on the consumption of material. To determine the average thickness of the coating, do 3-5 arbitrary vertical measurements.Fix the plumb bob to the ceiling and lower it to the floor. Focus on the vertical plane when measuring deviations. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a laser level.

Summarize the numerical values ​​of the measurements, then divide by the number of control points.

Stucco mortar

For interior decoration, a combination of plaster mortars of a different type and component composition is used. Before you calculate the plaster of the walls, determine what materials will be needed for the work. The calculator calculates the costs of decorative, gypsum, cement plaster, mixtures of the Rotband and Vetonit brands. Materials differ in scope and characteristics:

  • Decorative mixes. In the composition of decorative plasters there is a gypsum component and a textured filler: marble chips, small fractions of granite or mica, particles of natural stone. The average consumption of decorative plaster per 1 square. m with a coating thickness of 1 cm - 2-4 kg. The material is used for topcoat.
  • Plaster mixes. They are used on walls with deviations from the vertical of not more than 3 cm for finishing alignment. They have a light plastic consistency, a high rate of strength after drying. Average consumption (area - 1 m2, layer thickness - 1 cm) - 8-10 kg.
  • Cement mixes. They are used for rough leveling of surfaces, applied to walls with a layer of up to 5-6 cm. Cement-based compounds are used for plastering rooms with high humidity, farm buildings and unheated warehouses, brick, gas-silicate, concrete and foam concrete walls. Average consumption per m2 with a thickness of 1 cm - 17 kg.
  • Vetonite. Mixture (putty) for finishing leveling and reconstruction of a wooden, stone, concrete, brick, drywall base. Release form - fine powder with a granule size of 0.3 - 0.5 mm. Application technology - manual or automated. The component composition is cement, gypsum, limestone or polymer base, additives (fiberglass). Properties - ductility, resistance to low temperatures and quick drying. The average consumption is 1.2-1.4 kg of dry mix per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm, 150-200 g / m2 will be needed to fill the joints.
  • Rotband - gypsum mixture with polymer additives for finishing cement, polystyrene, brick and concrete surfaces. The average consumption per 1 m2 with a layer of 10 mm is 8.5 kg.

Advice! Use cement plaster for interior work and decoration of facades, apply to the surface in 3 layers. Intermediate drying lasts a day. Use gypsum mixtures for finishing dry rooms and apply in one layer. Remove the old coating before applying gypsum plaster.

The consumption of plaster depends on the type of mixture

The video in this article will introduce the technology of surface plastering along beacons.

How to use a calculator

Calculate wall plaster using a calculator is convenient here:

/ culc / shtukaturka-calculation

The calculator calculates according to the formula: (Layer thickness) x (Surface area) x (Dry mix consumption) = Plaster costs. The result is displayed in bags and kilograms.

Enter the parameters of the length and height of the walls, the volume of the bag, the average thickness of the layer in the appropriate windows. In the column "type of plaster" select a name from the list.

Fill in all the fields of the calculator and press the "Calculate" key.

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