Consider first: putty or primer

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Primer, putty and finish
Primer, putty and finish

What are they doing to achieve the result like in this picture - they putty or primer first? Compliance with the sequence of technological operations when performing plastering and painting works is, if not decisive, then very important.

Therefore, everyone who intends to do the finishing of their own hands should know how to properly prepare its surfaces for finishing. The video in this article on the topic: “What first: putty or primer?” Will be a visual aid in this matter.

Layer sequence

In order for the interior to ultimately please the eye, you need to work hard. Perfectly even walls and ceiling are not a guarantee that whitewashing or wallpaper on them will hold well.

If there is any doubt that the high-quality finish will not work on your own, it is better to trust an experienced master.

What should be done first of all, if the alignment of the surfaces was done with plaster or drywall, and how to choose the right materials for them in general? We hope that our instruction will give you comprehensive answers to these questions.

If the surface is plastered

Despite the growing popularity of drywall, the plaster leveling method has been and remains the number one. The reason is simple: it does not take up usable space in rooms, often already too small. And then, wall cladding with sheets of drywall (see Facing plasterboard walls: how to make), although it is called the “dry” method, but also includes wet processes.

  • We will talk about them a little later, but for now we will consider the option when you need to make repairs without cleaning the surface of the walls or ceiling to the base. This is only possible if the layer of plaster still retains its strength, and its topcoat requires updating.
Dry mixture for finishing putty
Dry mixture for finishing putty
  • No matter how you try to remove it so as to maintain the smoothness of the coating layer of the old plaster, you will not succeed. And no matter what decorative coating was on the walls: wallpaper or whitewashing.
  • Removing it, you will have to use a spatula, which means that in some places you will get potholes and cracks will be exposed. To hide them and make the base smooth again, a new coating layer is applied, or, also called this operation, putty is carried out (see Puttying walls is easy: selection and proper execution of work).

Note! When buying putty mixtures, you need to consider some nuances. For example, gypsum putty can be applied to cement plaster, but it cannot be done the other way around. Gypsum screed has less strength, and therefore can not serve as the basis for applying putty on a cement basis. Therefore, if the base is gypsum, then it must be putty with a gypsum mixture.

Universal primer suitable for all types of surfaces
Universal primer suitable for all types of surfaces
  • Now we will figure out how the primer is selected for the putty. We must say right away that the variety of putty composition does not play a role here. The value is of the type of base to be primed. Usually, on primers it is indicated on which surfaces they can be applied: wood, heavy concrete and brick, gypsum screeds, or cellular blocks (see Types of construction primers and their scope).
  • If there is a “universal” mark on the label, which we see in the presented photo, it means that the composition can be applied to all types of surfaces. On a leveled base, the soil should be applied in one layer, and be sure to let it dry before proceeding with puttying.
  • Since it is not always possible to eliminate all potholes on the surface with one layer of putty, it is often necessary to apply several layers. In this regard, many people have the following question: "Do I need to be primed between the putty layers?" We will answer right away: there is no such need - and explain why.
Putty primer
Putty primer

Important! The layers applied with the same solution have excellent adhesion and therefore do not need to be primed. Another thing is when plastering is carried out with different compounds - first starting (base), and then finishing. In these mixtures, the filler has a different fraction, and accordingly, screeds are obtained with different mechanical properties. In this case, priming between layers is necessary!

Putty - that is, a coating layer of plaster, is primed already before proceeding to the finishing of the surfaces, and this process completes the preparatory process.

Plasterboard putty

Much of what was said in the previous chapter also relates to the filling of the drywall surface. In particular, either a special primer for drywall under putty should be used, or the composition should be universal. On our own, we add that GKL sheets, and a primer, and a putty composition, it is better to take from one manufacturer.


  • Price does not play any role here - the main thing is that in this case you can be sure of the best compatibility of materials. Primer and plasterboard putty It is carried out according to a long-established technology: first, sealing joints between sheets, and then filling over the entire surface.
Gypsum plasterboard: first primed, or puttyed
Gypsum plasterboard: first primed, or puttyed
  • Although it is believed that under wallpapering the surface of gypsum plaster can not be putty. Note that when using dense and embossed roll materials, this is really not required. Moreover, the paper base of the wallpaper is firmly glued to the cardboard cover of drywall. It saves on putty - but this can be a problem if you decide to update the interior.
  • It is practically impossible to remove the wallpaper from the unplastered sheets of gypsum plaster without damaging their surface - the wallpaper paintings will peel off, as they say, “with meat”. This is the case when the stingy owner needs to pay twice: it is possible that you will have to change the entire skin. So it’s better to invest in putty.
Drywall putty throughout the area
Drywall putty throughout the area
  • In this case, surface preparation is performed in this order. First, the seams are primed, and after the composition dries, they are filled with putty. Along the way, they cover up the places where the fastening of the sheets was carried out with screws. Then, until the mixture has hardened, the joints are glued with a serpentine tape, squeezing it well into the solution, and again give time to dry.

Then it is primed already over the entire surface, after which putty is applied. One layer, as a rule, is enough, since the skin is even.

When the screed is dry, it is lightly sanded with abrasive mesh or fine sandpaper. The dust formed is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and wet cleaning is done in the room. It remains only to make the final priming - and the surface is ready for painting or pasting.

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