Silicate putty

Rybnikov Alexey

Putty is a building material that is used to level the building foundation before finishing. One of the types is silicate composition. Before using the product, it is recommended that you carefully read its characteristics and application technique if DIY repair is done by an unprofessional finisher.

Silicate putty

General information

Silicate putty is made on the basis of potassium and silicate solutions. Such a composition is called "liquid glass." The product also contains components such as minerals and other additives that determine the properties of the product.

Putty is available in two forms:

  • Ready composition. The tool does not need preparation and is easy to apply. The disadvantage is the high price.
  • Dry product. Before use, the composition is diluted with water and mixed with a construction mixer or drill with a mixer nozzle. The product has an affordable price, but special tools and skills are needed for cooking.
Putty preparation

Characteristics and purpose

The silicate composition has the following characteristics:

  • levels the surface;
  • hides defects;
  • passes air, which prevents the formation of fungus and mold on a building base;
  • provides good adhesion of the surface and the material used for decoration;
  • Does not respond to climate change.

Silicate putty is used for leveling plastered concrete and cement surfaces and loose building substrates. Cracks, potholes and other defects are closed by the composition. The tool is used for exterior and interior use.

Facade putty

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of silicate putty:

  • You can use the product in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms and kitchens;
  • it is easy to apply, therefore, with the use of the product there will be no problems even for amateurs.
  • reasonable cost;
  • resistance to damage;
  • long operational period.

Professional craftsmen single out only one drawback of the product - the layer thickness should be at least 4 mm. If the composition is used for outdoor work, when the weather is cloudy, the material will harden for several days, which significantly slows down the work.

Puttying the bathroom

Application Technique

Puttying the surface is carried out in several stages, each of which requires careful study.

Tools and materials

To work, you will need:

  • putty;
  • a primer;
  • set of spatulas;
  • tool for applying a primer - brush, roller or spray gun;
  • a container for preparing the solution, if a dry composition is used;
  • construction mixer or drill with mixer nozzle (as in the photo below);
  • container for dosing the primer;
  • sandpaper for surface cleaning;
  • protective equipment - respirator and goggles.
Putty tool kit

Solution preparation

Only dry mixes need preparation. Mix the primer with water in the proportions indicated on the package. Then stir the solution. The primer is ready to use. Putty preparation is slightly different:

  • pour the putty into the container and add half the total volume of water (the proportions are indicated on the package);
  • Knead the mortar with a construction mixer or a drill with a mixer nozzle;
  • add the remaining water and stir the product again;
  • leave the composition for 15 minutes and use as directed.
Solution preparation

Surface preparation

Work begins with preparing the surface for the application of putty. Remove the old coating and clean the surface of dust, grease stains and other contaminants. If there are cracks on the surface, then expand and deepen them. This is necessary in order to fill in the defects, preventing further growth. Next, clean the surface of mold and mildew. To do this, treat the building base with an antibacterial agent. Wait until the surface is dry and apply a primer. First put one layer of primer, and when it dries, then treat the base again.

Preparing the walls for putty

Putty application

Putty application:

  • fill with crack composition;
  • putty on the surface;
  • take a break to solidify the composition (drying time is indicated on the package);
  • apply another layer of putty;
  • interrupt again so that the composition freezes;
  • sand the surface with sandpaper P 120 or P 150.

The video in this article demonstrates how to putty properly.

Replace the silicate compound can putty silicone. Both products have similar characteristics, so it is difficult to make a choice between them. This prompted manufacturers to create a new composition. Now silicone putty and silicate composition are increasingly being combined into one material - a silicate-silicone product that has the properties of these two agents.


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