What is the difference between plaster and putty and what is their similarity

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

During the repair, the question often arises - to plaster or putty the walls for finishing
During the repair, the question often arises - to plaster or putty the walls for finishing

Among building mixes, the most used are those designed to level the surface. This is a putty or plaster.
Depending on the composition and characteristics, they can be used on a variety of surfaces both outside the buildings and inside them. What is the difference between these mixtures, in which cases should one and the other be used?


Plaster mixes are intended for rough leveling of surfaces with deviations from the level of several centimeters. And also to provide thermal insulation of buildings and protect structures from moisture.

Types and characteristics

In addition to the usual decorative plaster, with the help of which a decorative textured coating is created. But here we will not dwell on the description of such compositions, since our goal is to find out what is the difference between puttying and plaster.

Stucco wall
Stucco wall

So, the latter differs from the first structure - it has larger grains and less ductility.
Depending on which substance is the basis of the mixture, the plaster may be:

  • Cement;
  • Lime-cement;
  • Gypsum;
  • Gypsum-gypsum;
  • Limestone;
  • Gypsum cement.

The choice of composition depends on the base material in need of plaster. For example, for concrete or masonry, cement mixtures are most often used, for silicate substrates - lime, etc.

For reference. Until recently, clay stucco, used for insulation and decoration of wooden structures, was very popular. It is often used today in the construction of farm buildings in villages, since the price of such plaster is the most affordable.

Mixtures for rough leveling can be prepared with your own hands from cement, sand, lime and other components, mixing them in certain proportions and mixing with water. Often, thermal insulation materials are introduced into the composition of the plaster, for example, polystyrene or foam glass granules, sawdust, expanded vermiculite.

Expanded polystyrene in the form of small balls - the most common filler for warm plaster
Expanded polystyrene in the form of small balls - the most common filler for warm plaster

Such mixtures also have good soundproofing ability, so they are often used for decoration of residential buildings located in noisy places.

Application Method

The main difference between putty and plaster lies in the thickness of the layer by which the mixture is applied to the surface. Plaster can be put in a sufficiently thick layer from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
As a rule, the process consists of several stages:

  • Spatter or toss. The first is carried out mechanized using special machines, the second - manually. The purpose of this stage is to level the main defects of the base, to create the first fixing layer.
  • Alignment. There can be several leveling layers. With their help, the necessary thickness of the plaster is created and the plane is “stretched”.
This photo shows both steps: mechanical spraying and leveling.
This photo shows both steps: mechanical spraying and leveling.

Note. Each layer must be allowed to dry, and then treated with a primer for better adhesion to the next layer.

  • A cover is the final finishing layer of plaster, which is often replaced by puttying to give the surface perfect evenness and smoothness, since due to the coarse-grained structure, it remains rough after drying.

A distinctive feature of the process of applying plaster is the use of nets and beacons. The mesh is laid between the layers, if they have a large thickness, to strengthen them, reinforce and prevent shedding.
And with the help of beacons - metal or wooden guides installed strictly vertically - ideal stretching of the plane by level is achieved.


In its finished form, the putty is a fine-grained plastic mass designed to eliminate small irregularities and surface defects, giving it smoothness for subsequent painting or decoration with any kind of wallpaper.
If you have to finish rough walls, and you do not know what is stucco or putty first, then, based on what has been said above, it becomes clear: first there is a rough leveling with plaster and only then smoothing the surface with putty.

Ceiling Putty
Ceiling Putty

Note. Putty is not needed if tile or decorative plastering is chosen as the finishing finish. In this case, the surface roughness is only a plus.

Types and characteristics

According to the material of the cement base putty there are:

  • Cement;
  • Gypsum;
  • Polymer.

They are produced only in an industrial way, since it is impossible to independently achieve the desired ductility and other properties for which special additives are responsible. According to the degree of readiness for use, the mixtures are dry, in the form of a powder requiring dilution with water, and ready-made in the form of a paste, which is supplied in an airtight package.
The first are kneaded immediately before use in an amount that can be used up in a short period of time. As a rule, instructions for preparation indicating the period of solidification are on each package.
The second can be stored for a long time with a tightly closed lid, and just mix thoroughly before application.

Ready-made polymer putty
Ready-made polymer putty

The structure of putty is also divided into two main types:

  • The starting one is coarser, it is intended for leveling surfaces with slight deviations from the level, grouting cracks, eliminating minor defects - scratches, potholes, and crests.
  • Finishing putty- fine-grained, used for final finishing of surfaces, giving them smoothness and even color.

Application Method

What is the difference between putty and plaster - what is the difference in the method of applying these compounds:

  • First of all, in the thickness of the layers. The putty layer should not exceed a few millimeters, but if a greater thickness is required for leveling, then several of them are done in compliance with the time interval for each layer to dry.
  • The second difference - putty is applied only by hand with special flexible spatulas.
  • It dries and gains strength much faster than plaster. For some mixtures, a couple of hours is enough for drying, while for plastering it takes several days.
  • Finally, a plastered surface to achieve perfect smoothness can and should be treated with abrasives - sandpaper or a special mesh that eliminates the slightest defects and irregularities.
Sanding - the final stage of puttying
Sanding - the final stage of puttying


We hope that after reading this material, you will understand the difference between putty and plaster. Both of these compounds are used for surface finishing - mainly internal and external walls. But each has its own characteristics, dictating the scope and purpose of the application.
The video in this article will tell you more about the difference in the methods of applying building mixtures and the subsequent finishing of processed structures.

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