Modern design and office decoration
The concept of office is not only offices for employees. In addition to classrooms, decoration of office premises includes decoration and design: vestibules, corridors and stairs; executive offices and reception rooms; meeting rooms; utility rooms.
Each of them has its own functionality, and, accordingly, a different approach to interior decoration. In this article we will consider various options for office decoration and interior design.
The content of the article
Design features
A distinctive feature of all premises of the administrative type, as well as public institutions, is a large movement of the flow of people. And even if it’s not a large shopping center, but a modest office, this movement, although to a lesser extent, is ongoing.
Hence the number one problem arises: a floor covering having high abrasion resistance.
Corridors and Lobbies
Repair and decoration of offices and apartments is not only decoration of walls and ceilings. The floor covering in the room is of great functional importance, and sometimes it is also the main decoration of the room.
- The largest operating loads are taken over by vestibules and corridors. Therefore, the most durable materials are used to arrange the floor of these rooms.
Marble and granite tiles, as well as marble chips, have long been used not only as flooring, but also for stairs finishesparapets and steps.
- This natural stone has not only high strength, but also remarkable aesthetic qualities. Due to the unsurpassed texture of marble and granite, they are used, inter alia, for decorating the walls of these rooms, and for facing columns, if any, in the interior.
The photo above shows an example of just such a lobby design. - This room is the face of the office. The first impression on a visitor who first entered the building comes from the interior of the lobby.
Therefore, its decoration is given no less importance than the design of the director’s office. And as a rule, a wise leader spares no money for a good decoration of the lobby, as well as high-class specialists who perform it.
- Porcelain tiles are a good alternative to marble tiles. And although this material is made from natural raw materials: sand, expanded clay, feldspar, its price is much lower than that of other types of stone tiles.
- This saves the repair budget. The strength of the floor, while not at all reduced. What else is good for porcelain tiles is the diversity of its range.
Such a tile can imitate any other material - even parquet. And you see it in the image above. - Along with marble, wall panels are also used in lobby design. These can be panels made of solid wood or MDF coated with wood veneer.
High-quality office decoration is rarely dispensed with without their participation: corridors, offices, reception rooms.
- Speaking specifically about the lobby, many types of panels designed for facade cladding will fit perfectly into its interior. One of these types are HPL panels made from high-strength, laminated plastic.
These are wood-polymer panels, stylized as the texture of wood or stone, as well as fiber cement coatings for exterior walls. - Not only the panels themselves, but also their front cover have good durability.You can not say about the cheap types of MDF panels, often used for office decoration, as a budget option.
Front panels are mounted very simply, the manufacturer's instructions will help anyone who wants to do the job themselves. - One cannot fail to mention another important issue that needs to be addressed at the moment when the offices are being finished. This is a good lighting room.
Corridors this concerns first of all, as they often do not have windows. And if there is, then there is only one thing - somewhere at the end of the “tunnel”. - There are two ways to solve this problem, while using fewer lighting fixtures. The first is the installation of a false glass ceiling.
And in this sense, the decoration and repair of offices and apartments are no different from each other, except for the area of the premises. - Various designs of glass ceilings, especially frosted ones, scatter light well. In addition, in administrative buildings there are always a lot of cables, wires, fire and security alarm sensors, which are easily placed in the ceiling space.
However, this is common to all types of suspended ceilings.
- The second way to solve the problem of natural lighting is the installation of glass partitions. In this case, light is leaking through the glass from the windows located in adjacent rooms through the glass.
- In addition, aluminum stained-glass windows used as a glazing frame are much cheaper than the construction and finishing of partitions. It is also important that the glass partitions visually expand the space of narrow corridors.
The aesthetic effect of these structures is also on top. And further. Glass structures: both ceiling and wall - fully comply with the requirements of sanitary-hygienic standards for administrative premises.
Cabinet finishing
People spend almost more time in their workrooms than at home. Therefore, the decoration of office premises, first of all, should help to increase labor productivity.
- Naturally, the office should be comfortable, not only for employees, but also for visitors. After all, the concept of an office can be extended, for example: to working areas for managers, who are often located on the territory of the trading floor of a store or salon; reception in the lobby, reception in the hotel, or train station rooms.
- Repair and decoration of apartments and offices, or rather each of their individual premises, are carried out in accordance with its specific purpose. Let's say it's the front desk at the front desk or the front desk.
The design of this room, or rather, its small area, can differ from the rest of the interior, be a bright accent that attracts the attention of visitors.
- And here is a great example of the design of the working area for employees of the trading floor. In the part where the administrative desk and office equipment are installed, the walls and plasterboard ceiling, with a bright, eye-catching finish.
Inside the ceiling structure is a glossy stretch web. With the same success, instead of a stretch PVC film, it would be possible to make a glass insert. - By the way, the use of drywall in the creation of administrative interiors is not uncommon. After all, before you finish the walls in the office, with its help you can plan the space, make partitions with working niches that replace hanging shelves and cabinets for storing folders.
- Modern offices are often large common areas with many workplaces. In such premises, nothing should distract the attention of workers from the labor process.
The interior of the office, in this case, should be discreet. - Not only good lighting is important here, but also good sound insulation. Indeed, for 8-12 hours people have to be close to working office equipment, continuously ringing telephones, and talking employees and customers.
- The main role in solving this problem can also play the ceiling. Most often ceiling finishes a modular cassette-type design is used, with decorative elements made of drywall or fiberglass.
Cassette ceilings in rooms of a large area are the easiest and most convenient option.
- If there is a need for access to communications hidden in the ceiling space, the cassette panel can simply be lifted and pushed to the side. Thus, it is possible to easily dismantle the modules along the entire length of the wire, in the case when, for example, a troubleshooting is performed.
- The soundproofing properties of the ceiling are many times improved when the decorative modules have a cellular or perforated structure. Such ceilings can be installed not only in large workrooms, but also in assembly and sports halls, recording studios, train station buildings and theatrical foyers.
Everywhere where you need to drown out the increased noise level.
- In such rooms, ceiling modules can be metal or wooden. Gypsum coffered panels also do a good job of this.
They are not only practical in terms of sound insulation, but also make the interior of any room unusually original and modern.
As for the flooring in the offices, here, of course, the tile is inappropriate. After all, the floor in the room where people are staying for a long time should be as warm as possible, not sliding, and sound-absorbing.
Therefore, as a floor covering, in workrooms they often use: various linoleums; office carpet; sometimes a parquet board or anti-slip ceramic tile.
Reception and executive office
The interior of these premises is designed to impress potential customers, to convince them that this company is rich and inspiring. And here, as they say, all means are good.
- To achieve this goal, a tree is often used. It is this material, like no other, that can make the director’s office solid, and classically strict.
These are ceiling structures made of wood not lower than “a” class, and wooden wall panels with inlay and gilding. And, of course, solid, high-class elite furniture in harmony with wall decoration, leather chairs.
- The decoration of the reception room should not be as grandiose as the director’s office, and should look modern and businesslike, as in our example. Here, and a chic ceiling structure made of drywall and glass, and voluminous 3D panels on the wall, and tiled floors with an original pattern - simple, tasteful and nothing more.
If you are choosing an option for office decoration, watch videos and photos, which are plentiful on the Internet. You can get a lot of information from them.
And we, for our part, really hope that we could give you the necessary idea and help you figure out how the office premises should be designed.
Ideas for decorating office premises usually lie in the plane of interests and tasks set by company executives - terribly hard work to wear out - red prevails, the atmosphere of creativity - greens and abstraction, cold calculation - dullness and severity.