Baby wallpaper stickers: which ones can be used
What wallpaper to glue in the nursery? This room is the personal space of the child. Here he is most of the time, resting, playing, growing up, studying, learning the world around him, keeping children's secrets.
Choosing the right wallpaper is a very important and responsible task. It is like creating a small world. How to transform a nursery with your own hands, taking into account the desires of a small person, the article will tell.
The content of the article
Features of wallpaper for children
When decorating a children's room, it is necessary to adhere to several not complicated rules:
- The color of the paintings should be selected in accordance with the temperament and character of the child:
- Cool and bright shades are needed for mobile, emotional and active children. They will soothe them;
- pastel, warm tones will be needed by phlegmatic people and dreamers;
- bright and rich colors are suitable for passive and restrained children.
- The age and gender of the babies should be taken into account.
- Wallpaper (see Children's wallpaper in the interior: make a choice) and stickers in the nursery on the wallpaper should be absolutely safemade from environmentally friendly materials.
The most acceptable wallpaper in the nursery are:
- Paper. This is the best option. Such materials:
- do not contain harmful synthetic additives and chemical elements;
- the paper base allows the canvas to "breathe";
- not toxic when burned;
- not a high price.
The disadvantage is fragility. Although such a drawback sometimes turns into a virtue: children are very fond of painting walls, using children's stickers on wallpapers or pasting them with posters.
Tip: You should not limit children to such art. Let them draw. This will not affect the family budget too much, and the paintings painted by children can easily be changed.
- Liquid. The materials are environmentally friendly and practical. This is decorative plaster, soft to the touch and a little rough. The basis of the paintings is mineral or natural fibers. The porous surface of the wallpaper allows them to maintain a normal microclimate in the room, they provide a good level of heat and sound insulation.
In a room for children, on a uniform surface of the material, you can place stickers on children's wallpapers or apply drawings yourself using a stencil. Wallpaper can be easily cleaned and repainted, if necessary, erase the traces left by small artists. The variety of shades, textures and patterns allows liquid wallpaper to design a nursery in any interior style.
- Vinyl (see Vinyl wallpapers and silk screen printing: material features). This is not the best option for a children's room, despite the wide color gamut and a large selection of assortment. Such wallpapers are used with perforated coating.
Tip: You can’t use canvases with a foamed vinyl coating in the children's room - it can be easily damaged. In addition, foamed vinyl can cause food poisoning and allergies, which is very dangerous for children who like to taste all the objects.
- Non-woven. They are easy to clean and wash, on the walls you can make stickers on the wallpaper for the nursery, which will allow you to get an original result. For instance:
- to stick pictures on the wall in the play area or near the crib;
- The rest of the background is left the same color.
- The use of photo wallpaper in the interior of a nursery can create a unique atmosphere. In this case, the choice should be stopped on the canvases, which have anti-vandal coating, which will allow you to save the decorated surface on the wall.Application of a special layer removes material from various stains, paints, traces of plasticine. Such contaminants can be removed with cleaning products.
Wall mural room is easy to divide into zones, as in the photo.
On the canvases you can place a variety of stories.
It can be:
- Cartoon characters.
- Funny animal figures.
- Drawings made in neutral pastel colors for very young children.
- For the boy photo murals in the bedroom glued with images of cars, maps.
- For a girl: princesses, beautiful flowers or fabulous backgrounds.
Unique materials for the nursery:
- Bamboo.
- Bung.
Such natural materials:
- Absolutely safe for children.
- Maintain the desired level of humidity in the room.
- They have high strength, increased wear resistance.
- They do not collect dust.
- Bamboo in appearance resembles a real jungle.
How does the choice of wallpaper depend on the age of the child
Every second the surrounding world is changing, as is the child's idea of it. Wallpaper in the children's room should be appropriate for his age. Each period of life has its own scenery.
The instruction for the design of children's rooms offers:
- Children from 0 to 2 years old will enjoy cheerful colors. In this period, you should not be limited to color frames. Kids are actively exploring the world, they are attracted to bright, large, unusual details. Ideally fit into a nursery wallpaper with catchy large drawings, but not at the crib, which can prevent the baby from falling asleep, and after awakening it will completely frighten the child.
Tip: In the sleep zone, you should use restrained ornaments in calm pastel colors.
- Toddlers from 2 to 4 years old. Bright shades change to natural colors. The room is filled with harmony in yellow, green, blue tones. The first drawings, posters with favorite characters from cartoons are hung in frames on the walls. Stickers and appliqués in the form of animals are used. In this case, the teddy bear or elephant should not exceed the height of the child. Otherwise, the neighborhood with a giant can depress and even frighten the small owner of the nursery.
- Children from 4 to 6 years old. This is the age of children when they are difficult to manage.
Non-grat in children's red and orange colors. The muffled “serious” gamut of shades will not work either:
- dark green;
- gray;
- blue.
They can suppress the children's psyche and not bring the kids any joy. A good solution in this case is the plain color of the walls, calm and discreet.
But it should be borne in mind that the child is playing, and full-fledged participants in this process are wallpapers, on which all kinds of drawings, scratches, spots, handprints appear. Often used tools for drawing: ice cream, fruits, chocolate and even porridge. But it is easy to fix the sticker on the wallpaper in two levels:
- the upper part of the wall, to arrange for beauty, the child will not reach it;
- bottom provide for art. Some manufacturers are already releasing wallpapers suitable for this, on which the contours of future drawings are plotted - these are coloring wallpapers. One of the options can be white stripes on any paper wallpaper.
- Children from 6 to 9 years old. This is the age when children begin to invite friends to visit. Gusts of inspiration, a hurricane of emotions spill onto the walls, a constant mess in the room, which can not always be removed in a short period of truce. In this case, it is better to use the universal option. For example, liquid wallpaper, easy to repair, or anti-vandal marker coatings.
Wallpaper should be chosen to match the fun of children! They should be bright, funny, but without drawings. The children are distracted by the complex image, and they simply are not interested in one color. The best option - wallpaper with a vertical strip. They help to decorate the room, help the child calm down, concentrate after funny street games.
- Children from 9 to 11 years old.This is a period of growing up, when the first claims appear, fundamental conservatism, categorical opinions. From 9 years old, the separation of colors begins. Boys prefer the colors of the sea: blue, green, purple. Girls - pink and pastel colors.
Children recognize themselves as a person, and as property - their room. They form their own space around themselves, are preparing to become adults.
Tip: From 9 years old, when designing a children's room, you need to take into account their preferences so that they like the interior, but it is safe and comfortable.
How to paste wallpapers of two types in a nursery, which stickers are better to choose for children of different ages will tell the video. When choosing wallpaper for the nursery, you need to listen to the opinion of the child - a small person who has his own interests and preferences.
Caution should be taken to wallpapering if children are of the same sex, but of different ages!