How to paste wallpaper for painting
How to glue and paint wallpaper for painting, we will consider in detail today. After all, if this work is not done correctly, then you can ruin the surface, because all the flaws will be visible. And how to glue wallpaper for painting, we will consider below. Also on video and photos you can see the most difficult areas of work.
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Classification of wallpaper for painting
Wallpaper for painting how to glue is determined by the composition of the wallpaper itself. Indeed, in retail there is not a little material, which is quite different in composition.
The price of new materials will be much higher, because their characteristics are most acceptable. The cheapest ones are paper ones (see Let's consider how to glue paper wallpapers correctly) But for example, they should not be mounted in the kitchen. After all, they are quite susceptible to humid environments.
Let's look at the most common types of wallpaper and decide which ones are right for you:
Paper | The cheapest and most short-lived. This type of wallpaper is of poor quality, so they are often used to create the background of the main interior. Paper wallpapers for painting are glued to the wall in the same way as ordinary wallpapers, but nevertheless it is more advisable to choose a better base for subsequent painting. |
Paper based vinyl | This type of wallpaper for painting consists of a paper base and a vinyl texture layer. They are of higher quality, but the vinyl material is not durable and quickly erases, therefore, for the long-term use of such wallpapers, it is necessary to paint or varnish them. |
Non-woven wallpaper | This type of wallpaper can be used not only for painting, but also as a finished material for the wall. They consist of two layers - a non-woven base and a vinyl layer with a textured surface. The wallpapers of the American manufacturer York have proven themselves in this category. They have very high quality characteristics, while not creating any difficulties when working with them. Non-woven wallpapers are high strength and tighten the walls well. In addition, it becomes possible to save glue by applying it directly to the wall. |
Cullet | Cullets are produced by combining paper substrates and fiberglass threads that contain quartz sand with special additives. This wallpaper is characterized by a dense structure and clear relief lines. The interweaving of fiberglass threads forms various ornaments on the wallpaper. |
The procedure for gluing wallpaper for painting
Wallpapering is done in a specific order. There is nothing complicated here, but the instruction must be followed.
- How to stick wallpaper for painting should be determined at the initial stage. After all, they can be different not just in length, but also in the placement of the picture. So you will immediately need to make a markup and cut the rolls into strips.
- Now we beat off the first line for gluing. To determine it correctly, a plumb line must be applied. After all, the rest will be fastened in the first lane.
Attention: The larger the picture, the more waste will be. This factor will need to be taken into account when buying materials.
Further, everything is done in the following sequence:
Training | Before you begin, you need to prepare the inventory, the wallpaper itself, and the glue suitable for this type of material.
Glue selection | An important point when organizing wallpaper gluing for painting is the choice of a suitable adhesive.
Wallpaper sticker | The procedure itself is practically no different from the standard algorithm for gluing walls, and includes several stages:
Stick wallpaper. The wallpaper strip attached to the wall needs to be aligned with a vertical reference and smoothed with a soft cloth to get rid of air bubbles and other irregularities. The following strips need to be glued end-to-end in a direction from a window. The gluing of corners requires special attention - here it is necessary to do an overlap, when gluing the first strip, a margin of 2-3 cm is made, the second strip is glued on top. |
Sticking paper and vinyl wallpaper for painting
To work with this type of wallpaper you need a special glue, in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging.
- The stripes need to be glued back to back, because the wallpaper for subsequent painting is rather thick and when lapping the stripes, the seams will be very noticeable.
- Glue is applied to the prepared strip, then folded over both edges towards the middle, and left to impregnate for no more than 15 minutes.
Attention: It is very important to ensure that there is not too much glue, otherwise the canvas may break or lose texture. To align and adjust the wallpaper, you can use a rubber roller or a spatula made of plastic.
Sticking non-woven and cullet for painting
It is much simpler to work with non-woven or glass wallpaper, because glue designed specifically for these types of wallpapers is applied only to the wall. This gives a significant saving of time, since you do not need to wait until the wallpaper is saturated.
- Spread with glue should be wider than the width of the strip, a section of the wall to which wallpaper is then applied. Another positive point in using this type of wallpaper is that you do not need to cut them in advance. The roll is applied to the wall, unwind the desired length and cut.However, if you want to customize the picture, then the wallpaper still has to be cut.
- When gluing any type of wallpaper for painting, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be at least 20 degrees C, also a prerequisite is the absence of drafts until the wallpaper completely dries. It should be noted that cullets dry longer than other painted wallpapers. It is possible to apply paint to the wallpaper no earlier than in a day, but it is obligatory when they are completely dry.
If you take into account all the rules and recommendations, then the wallpaper for painting can easily be glued with your own hands, without professional help.
Stained wallpaper
Provided that the surface has already dried, you can start painting the wallpaper. For any type of wallpaper, paints in which there are no chemical solvents can be used.
- Water-dispersion paint is used to color paper wallpapers. For non-woven and vinyl - water-based. Acrylic and latex emulsions are suitable for painting glass.
- The paint must be evenly distributed throughout the canvas. In order not to spoil the relief of the wallpaper, you should not paint the same place several times.
Re-painting the surface is permissible only when the first coat is completely dry. - The use of wallpaper for painting makes it possible to update the interior without global repair work. The color of the paint can be changed up to 8 times, which makes it easy to refresh the atmosphere, create original design solutions, and make the interior practical and modern.
Wallpaper for painting how to glue you now know. The most important thing is not to rush and use only high-quality materials when working. After all, this will be the key to success and durability of the coating.