How to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling yourself

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Wallpapering the ceiling
Wallpapering the ceiling

The correct gluing of wallpaper to the ceiling is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. But, before starting work, it is necessary to get acquainted with the technology of the process so that the paintings do not sag and wrinkle and are neatly glued.

In this case, the wallpaper is selected plain or with different patterns. But it’s important to observe some rules: if there are bright and catchy wallpapers on the walls, the ceiling should be selected with calmer colors, and with the classic version of the walls or using simple pastel colors, pasting the ceiling wallpaper can be with a nice pattern. The article will tell you how to do it right.

How to choose the material for the ceiling

Sticking wallpaper on the ceiling is not too easy. In this case, the important point is the correct choice of material. This will allow the workflow to give convenience and ease. Especially if you do it yourself.

In this case, the wallpaper should:

  • On the pasted surface it is easy enough to slide. Otherwise, the canvas will be difficult to evenly and tightly dock with each other.
  • Stick to the ceiling instantly.
  • Do not fall off or sag.
  • And most importantly, that they do not need to be smeared with glue, especially if a person performs work alone. It is much easier to hold a dry strip in your hands, which is twisted in a roll and, gradually unwinding it, stick to the ceiling covered with glue.
  • Not be too fat. You should purchase special ceiling wallpaper, with a small weight. This characteristic is indicated by the marking on the roll. It should be no higher than 110 g / m².

All of these requirements are maximally non-woven wallpaper.

Pasting ceiling wallpaper of this type allows you to:

What materials and tools will be needed to work

Tip: To easily and quickly cope with the sticker on the ceiling, you need to purchase all the necessary tools.

Materials and tools for wallpapering on the ceiling
Materials and tools for wallpapering on the ceiling

The following tools should be at hand:

  • Chalk or pencil for marking.
  • Threads.
  • Roulette.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Capacity for glue dilution.
  • Building level.
  • Dry rags.
  • Clerical knife.
  • Brush or roller for applying glue to the ceiling.
  • Rubber roller for ironing seams.
  • Special glue that protects the wallpaper from sagging.
  • Wide spatula.
  • Quality wallpapers.
  • Stepladder or sturdy table.

How to prepare a ceiling surface for wallpapering

How to prepare the ceiling for wallpapering? This is a very important issue that must be addressed before gluing the paintings. The surface must be well prepared to provide a high-quality and reliable coating.

Step-by-step instruction for work:

  • The ceiling is cleaned of old coatings. To do this, use a wide spatula or sandpaper.
  • Surface can be washed. For washing, you should use ordinary clean water, or by adding a small amount of detergent to it.
  • The ceiling can be primed a thin layer of glue used for wallpapering (see How to primer the ceiling: we understand in stages).

Tip: After preparing the foundation, you must purchase a reliable support for the work.It is best if it is a long table of sufficient height to easily reach the ceiling. The platform can be created from two supports and a piece of thick plywood or boards along the length of the paintings.

How to mark the ceiling

Unlike walls, gluing the ceiling must begin from the center to the edges, which will achieve absolute symmetry and make the joints between the paintings less noticeable. But before that, you need to mark the surface.

For this:

  • The diagonal threads connect the corners of the room.

Tip: When marking, make sure that the diagonal threads pass through the center of the room.

  • From the center point on the ceiling, lines are drawn perpendicularly to the window or wall, which will indicate the location of the future strip.
  • The distance from the center to each line should be 1/2 roll width.

How to cut wallpaper and apply glue

The scheme of applying to the ceiling wallpaper
The scheme of applying to the ceiling wallpaper

Tip: In order to properly and qualitatively stick on the ceiling wallpaper, they must be properly cut.

Strip preparation includes:

  • Choosing the location for gluing paintings, usually towards the window.
  • The length of the ceiling is measured.
  • The strips are cut with a margin of 3 centimeters on each side.

Tip: If you purchased a wallpaper that does not need to be applied to glue, then only the surface of the ceiling is smeared.

If on paper wallpaper glue must be applied, it is important to carry out this process correctly so that the repair price is not too high. The process of sticking a strip of wallpaper on the ceiling is shown in the diagram.

Technology for wallpapering on the ceiling
Technology for wallpapering on the ceiling

In the diagram:

  • A line is drawn to align the edge of the first web.
  • The surface is cleaned with a soft sponge tied to a long handle, which will allow reaching the ceiling from the floor.
  • Glue is applied to the middle part of the panel.
  • The composition is smeared from the middle of the sheet to its edge. Gradually, the canvas is pulled to the edge of the table and the entire strip is smeared.
  • The end of the wallpaper bends about 300 millimeters, and the missed part is placed on the main canvas.
  • The whole canvas is folded into an “accordion”.
  • The strip is ready to be laid on the ceiling.
  • The second part is joined to the inner edge of the first.

Tip: When gluing thick wallpaper for painting, they should be punctured in several places after installation, with a hole pitch of approximately 200 millimeters, which will help to avoid accumulation of air under the wallpaper. When the material dries, the remaining air will escape through these punctures.

Features Wallpapering

The process of sticking wallpaper on the ceiling shows the video in detail.


  • You need to start wallpapering from the center of the ceiling.
  • It is better to smear only the pasted surface, and then quickly, until the glue has dried, glue a dry, pre-prepared strip to it.
  • The optimum temperature in the room for repair work is 20 ° C.
  • Do not open windows or doors in the room while wallpapering and drying. Any movement of air can cause sagging or even falling off of the paintings.
  • To prevent damage to the material, level the strips with a plastic spatula.
  • After the sticker of the center strip, the wallpaper is attached on both sides, in the same way.
  • If the completely extreme stripes do not fit in width, they must first be cut off with a small margin in width and length.
  • After the entire surface has dried, the edges are carefully aligned with a clerical knife and a metal level, or with a metal spatula. Wherein:
  1. a level is attached to the edge;
  2. the knife cuts off the excess canvas, as in the photo.
Excess strip trim
Excess strip trim
  • When choosing wallpaper on the ceiling that can be painted, the coating can be applied a day after gluing.

Sticking on the ceiling wallpaper yourself, despite the complexity, you can do it yourself, adhering to certain rules and having the necessary accessories for the work.

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