Sticker wide wallpaper: features of the work

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

How to glue wide wallpapers
How to glue wide wallpapers

Meter wallpaper on how to glue correctly, we will consider in detail today. After all, there is more work here than with standard material. It is especially laborious and not convenient to do work in hard to reach places.

Although there is already a great practice of this work, and how to glue meter-long wallpapers we will discuss below. Also in the video and photo you can see additional materials for high-quality finishing.

Meter wallpaper - features and operating procedure

Wallpapering the walls is an unconditionally responsible and difficult event. An equally serious test for most people is the choice of new wallpaper for their interior.

With all the variety today of shops and companies where you can buy new wallpapers, it is better to give preference to those places where it is possible to see the canvas both close at a special stand and from a longer distance. After all, the way the wallpaper looks in a roll can be very different from the look on the wall.

When choosing a wallpaper, you need to be careful, thoroughly consider and count everything. It is important to remember such a pattern that horizontal stripes visually expand the room, and vertical ones seem to increase the height of the room. These features can be advantageously used in the updated design of the room.

Advantages and disadvantages of meter wallpaper

How to glue meter wallpaper we will think after we decide how much they fit. After all, there are advantages and disadvantages.


  • The main positive quality of wide rolls is the reduction in the number of seams. A “seamless” effect is achieved by reducing the number of rolls used. After all, it is obvious that meter-long wallpaper will need half as much as half-meter, therefore, there will be fewer joints, and they will be less noticeable.
  • When pasting walls with meter rolls, much more time is saved for applying glue. At the same time, much less physical effort is spent. Despite the fact that the technology of wall pasting itself is practically no different.
  • Sticking a wide wallpaper can save some money, because the number of rolls will be less. And if you do the work yourself, then the price of decoration will be much lower. Usually a meter roll costs an order of magnitude cheaper than two 50-centimeter rolls.

Naturally, along with the advantages, some difficulties arising when using wide wallpapers can be noted:

  • Meter cloth must be glued to a perfectly flat surface, because any irregularities can disrupt the joint, and it is precisely the inconspicuous joints that are the main advantage of meter wallpapers. This problem, in principle, can be solved, because today there are a large number of processing methods and preparing the walls for wallpapering.
  • The next property of meter-long wallpapers, which can cause more inconvenience than the use of narrow rolls, is that it is more difficult to glue wide strips in difficult places, such as corners or the space behind the batteries.
  • In addition, it is necessary to observe the coincidence of the figure, which can be quite problematic in such inconvenient places. But the ceiling with wide wallpaper is much more convenient to glue, because the number of glued strips is reduced by half, which means that time and effort will also be required much less.
  • Another nuisance that can happen when pasting wide wallpapers is the probability of a shortage of a small segment of a few centimeters, and if there is no desire to collect it from fragments, you will need to buy a whole roll. In this regard, classic half-meter rolls are easier to fit to the dimensions of the walls.
  • Another minus, which can only be conditionally attributed to wide wallpapers - they are rather problematic to glue to one person. In this case, at least one assistant is simply needed. Although half-meter canvases, of course, are more convenient to glue with a partner.

The order of wall decals meter wallpaper

If the difficult choice is already behind, and the advantage is wide wallpaper, then you can get to work. Now we will directly go over and decide how to glue meter-long wallpapers correctly.

Prepare wall surface

It is very important that the walls are well prepared and aligned. This is necessary for perfect joining of joints. Indeed, it is invisible seams that are the main advantage of wide rolls.


  • Old wallpapers must be removed (see How to remove old paper wallpapers without problems). If this causes difficulties, then they should be wet, and old wallpapers will be removed without much difficulty.
  • Roughness may remain, and there’s nothing to worry about, because roughness will only contribute to a better connection of the wall with glue and new wallpaper.

Attention: Not a big roughness of the walls will not hurt if you fasten embossed wallpapers. If they are smooth, then the wall should be perfectly smooth.

  • The temperature in the room must be taken into account when working with any type of wallpaper.
  • In no case should there be drafts until completely dry, even if it may take several days. But as a result of such a long wait, the wallpaper on the wall will not “bubble”, it will not “lead”, and the joints will not diverge.
  • Before you begin, you must turn off the power. Remove the upper housing from sockets and switches located on the walls. All walls should be freed from screws, dowels, nails, fasteners, etc.
  • After the wallpaper has dried, at the locations of the outlets, the canvas should be cut cross to cross, remove excess pieces of wallpaper, and then return the shell back.

Prepare glue

When buying glue, be sure to consider that it matches the selected type of wallpaper. On the wallpaper there is an instruction with recommendations.

  • Pour water into the prepared container and pour glue in a thin stream, while stirring the water in a circle.
  • When the mass is thoroughly mixed, it must be allowed to stand, in accordance with the recommendations on the package. This usually does not take more than 15 minutes.

Caution: The mass must be uniform and free of lumps. Otherwise, they will appear through the canvas.

Wall marking and wallpaper cutting

Regardless of the type and width of wallpaper chosen, it is recommended that specialists begin pasting the walls from the window.

We make a marking of walls
We make a marking of walls

However, meter-long wallpapers, due to their ability to be glued end-to-end, you can start gluing from where it will be more convenient and more economical. But it’s best to start from the corner.

  • Using a plumb line, a ruler and a pencil, you need to draw a vertical line with which to start gluing the first strip.
  • When cutting wallpaper from the side of the floor and ceiling, you should leave about 10 spare centimeters. This is necessary in order to move the canvas down or up if necessary.
  • It is very convenient that the wallpaper gives this opportunity for 10 minutes after applying them to the wall. All excess parts can be cut with a sharp clerical knife, but only after the wallpaper on the walls is completely dry.

Proceed to wallpapering the walls

If all the preparatory work is done, then it's time to start gluing the wallpaper.

Putting glue on the wallpaper
Putting glue on the wallpaper


  • It is necessary to mix the glue thoroughly again, then apply it with a wide brush on the wall, to the place where, according to the marking, the first strip will begin.
  • Immediately coat the wallpaper with glue. We give a little time to soften the wallpaper.
Smooth Wallpaper
Smooth Wallpaper
  • At this stage, work will need the help of a partner. The canvas needs to be carefully applied to the marked place, and begin to smooth. This is done traditionally from the top to the bottom, and from the center to the edges. You can use a special roller.
  • Excess glue around the edges should be cleaned with a damp cloth. The next strip must be glued as close as possible to the previous one, butt-to-butt.

Caution: If necessary, adjust the pattern. Depending on the size of the picture, fitting the canvas can be up to 30 centimeters.

Uncomfortable working principles

Inconvenient places, which include corners, openings, walls behind batteries, require special attention. However, in these places there are also no particular difficulties, just have to spend a little more time.

  • The strip must be glued so that it overlaps slightly on the corner. The same thing needs to be done on another adjacent wall.
  • Then, using a ruler and a knife, a vertical cut is made through these two stripes.
  • Then you need to raise the edges and cut off the extra wallpaper, then grease the joint again with glue, and return the stripes back.
  • In order to glue the wallpaper for the batteries will have to cut the canvas into smaller parts. It is better in this case to cut from one strip intended for the whole part of the wall.
  • Another difficulty in working in such uncomfortable places is to keep track of the pattern matching.
  • This can sometimes be quite problematic, but for example non-woven wallpaper have a very big advantage, giving the opportunity to move the canvas on the wall for another 10 minutes after the sticker.

For beginners who do not know how to glue meter-long wallpapers, it is worthwhile to heed the recommendation not to use glue with additives for quick drying.

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