GC “220 Volt” launched sales on Amazon
The retailer was the first in the domestic DIY sector to offer its products on the most popular trading Internet site.
Tesla became a test brand integrated into the marketplace. GC "220 Volt" is the owner of this trademark in Russia and has already implemented a pilot batch of laser measuring instruments and multitools.
“A number of factors came out in favor of this particular brand, firstly, the brand name is already familiar to European consumers, while the products are in the middle price category. To “enter” the international online store, the availability of your own product is the main one.
This “iron rule” is dictated by the fact that delivery to European countries is quite expensive, and in some cases may exceed 50% of the cost of goods. Therefore, with an assortment identical to European competitors, it is almost impossible to sell anything. In 2015, the 220 Volt Group of Companies was one of the first to be placed on the AliExpress marketplace and “filled their cones”. Then, during the period of active expansion of the Alibaba group, we wanted to be at the peak of popularity and did not sufficiently explore the possibilities and estimate the costs, ”comments Alexey Fedorov, managing partner of 220 Volt Group of Companies.
“Connecting to Amazon is based on an in-depth study of the platform. It took us almost two years to understand what was wrong, what is our strategic mistake in working with marketplaces. The conclusions were as follows: the marketplace has a very characteristic target audience. The decisive factor in the purchase is the price, coupled with a special offer and a large number of reviews. That is, the consumer almost does not look at goods without discount. With an attempt to “enter” the western online store, we prepared a special assortment line, which consists of offers from the sale segment and will mainly focus on our own brands, such as Tesla, as well as brands whose exclusive supplier is 220 Volt ". This is our option "twice in the same river." In general, of course, when we talk about “entering” a platform like Amazon, for “220 Volts” this is still more of an image story. We often say that customer service comes first to us. If we want to buy our goods, then we must organize the opportunity anywhere in the world. And this is not about business volumes, but rather about reputation, ”explains Irina Telnova, PR Director of 220 Volt Group of Companies.