Facing surfaces with ceramic tiles: make walls and floors

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Facing vertical ceramic surfaces
Facing vertical ceramic surfaces

Facing vertical surfaces with ceramic tiles is slightly different from flooring. Not many do the decoration of both the floor and walls with one tile.
This is especially often seen when decorating bathrooms. Today we will tell you how to lay tiles on the floor and facing the vertical surface with ceramic tiles. Although the price of the material is not large, it still needs to be done with high quality.

Completing of the work

Facing vertical surfaces ceramic tiles and gender is done basically the same, but there are some nuances. For example, surface preparation is done in the same way, and styling is completely different.
Let's look at the technology of facing ceramic tiles. It should be said that you can do all the work yourself and without any help.

Surface preparation

Preparing the surface for ceramic tile lining is the beginning of the work. If this is not done correctly, then the tile may not stand for a long time.
The technology of facing ceramic tiles is as follows:

  • Remove the old coating. It just is not necessary. If its not a big layer, then you can leave it. All you need to do is remove all the stucco cutters and apply along the entire plane of the notch with an ax;
  • Now it should be treated with antiseptics. If you don’t even have a fungus, this does not mean that it does not appear after coating. So it’s better to do the processing;
  • Facing surfaces with ceramic tiles is done on a flat surface, otherwise it will simply repeat all the bumps. Therefore, first we take the fishing line and apply it on the diagonals of the surfaces.
    We look. If we have irregularities of not more than one cm, then you can just do the masonry and level the plane with a solution. If the distance exceeds this size, then first you need to put a layer of plaster after that do the work;

Attention: Facing the surface with ceramic tiles for glue is done only with a perfectly flat surface. In other embodiments, the fastening is done on a cement mortar.


After proper preparation, you can proceed directly to the cladding. This work is done as follows.

How to arrange horizontal rows

If your floor is already made with high quality, horizontal, then you can start laying the first row of tiles from the floor. This method is the most correct. Performing the masonry in this way, the rows will be horizontal and even. We set the first rad of the tile with a gap that is equal to the thickness of the seams.
However, it is not always possible to use this method of masonry. Often they start laying tiles from the second or third row.
This happens because:

  • Sometimes only walls are finished without touching the floor, which is not always perfectly smooth;
  • Near the floor there is external communication, which will need to be circumvented;

Attention: When determining the location of horizontal rows, the number of whole tiles, which can be placed in a vertical row, is mandatory. Focusing on this, you should slightly lower or raise the first row so that in the upper finish row the tile was whole, it should approach the ceiling at a distance of 3-5 mm from it.

If you do not, then a situation may arise when, installing the tile to the ceiling, it turns out that you need to lay out tiles in the finish row of 2-4 cm. And it will be difficult to cut such a strip, and it does not look very beautiful.

  • Therefore, count from the top, marking the location of all horizontal rows and taking into account the gap between the tiles, equal to the seams between them. Thus, moving from top to bottom, we find the level where the horizontal support row will be located and determine the size of the floor row, which we must then trim.
  • Using this method, you will get the most visible top row, consisting of a whole tile, all cropping will need to be done on the first row, which is located near the floor and is less noticeable.
  • Having decided on the line of the support row, using the hydraulic level, you should transfer it to the entire perimeter of the room. Dock the marks, draw a support horizontal line and screw the supports supporting this row of tiles.
    For support, it is good to use a galvanized profile for installing drywall sheets having a size of 27 * 28 mm. This profile differs from wooden battens in that it is quite even, it simply attaches to the wall surface and is inexpensive.

When finishing the surface with glazed ceramic tiles in the bathroom, the level of the bath that has already been installed can be used as a reference line.
This solution is acceptable for the following reasons:

  • From this reference line, given the gaps in the seams between the horizontal rows, as a rule, you can approach the finish row near the ceiling with a whole tile.
  • If a sewer drain pipe is located along the wall, the diameter of which is 100 mm. (in most buildings) She prevented the start of counting the location of the tiles from the floor.
  • The row from the bath will be well adjacent to the surface of the bath, and you do not need to think about waterproofing the gap between the wall and the bath.
  • You can not lay tiles behind the bathroom, which will be a big saving of material.

Of course, there is some drawback, sometimes it is necessary to install an additional support for the second support row during masonry. However, basically it turns out that in comparison with the advantages that will be, you can sacrifice this.

How to arrange vertical rows

We carry out this procedure for everyone. bathroom walls in a separate order. Try to be creative in resolving this issue.
We calculate how many whole tiles fit in the horizontal row of the wall, given the width of the seams. Usually it turns out that one of the tiles will need to be cut.
If you get a rather narrow strip in the corner, then use the following methods:

  • Shift all the rows and trim the tiles in both one and the other corners so that their width is the same.
We calculate the location
We calculate the location

Attention: This method will allow you to arrange the tiles in a row symmetrically and, naturally, the wall will look better. When applying decorative tiles, it will also be located symmetrically and aesthetically.

  • Place the vertical row, which will be cropped, in the place where it is less visible. For example, in a corner that is not in sight when you enter the bathroom, or in the corner where the shower cubicle will be located.
  • Having decided on the location of the vertical rows, draw, using a level or a plumb line, vertical lines in those corners where the whole tile will end.
  • Following the drawn square, which will be two vertical angular lines and the bottom line of the support row, you will not deviate from the vertical and horizontal directions when installing the tile.
  • After you have marked all the walls of the room, proceed with installing ceramic tiles on the wall.

Laying tiles on the wall surface

We carry out the work as follows:

  • On the support, which is fixed to the wall, it is necessary to lay the initial row-support, paying attention to our markup of the vertical position of the rows. We put all the tiles except the end tiles in a row, which we will then trim.
    The support bar will provide horizontal placement of the entire row, and we install the vertical one using the level that should be attached to the tile in a vertical position.
  • When 3-4 tiles are laid, we check their proper installation on the wall plane. You will need to attach the level edge to the row (see photo), and determine the fit of the tool to the wall itself with the front layer of tiles.
    In case of detection of gaps, it is necessary to correct the tiles that are next to the slit and protrude from the general flatness of the row.
  • During laying, do not forget about the crosses that are inserted into the seams so that the width of the seam is uniform along the vertical row.
Use crosses to adjust the seams.
Use crosses to adjust the seams.
  • When the row on the wall is completely laid, it is imperative to check its vertical, horizontal and planar arrangement of the tiles using a level more authentic.
  • The next step will be the marking of the end tiles of the horizontal row, which must be cut with a special cutter along the tile to the required width and laid on the wall surface.
  • The row is completely stacked. Now proceed to the next wall and perform similar actions. In the same way, we lay tiles over the entire area of ​​the room. As a result, we get a row-support of horizontal arrangement throughout the room (pay attention to the photo).

Getting to the next row:

  • Start laying from the side that is convenient for you (to the right or left) from the vertical marked line.
  • On the wall surface, it is necessary to apply the adhesive composition from the row of supports to a distance slightly higher than the length of the tile and to the width of 3 tiles at once.
  • The glue is also applied to the tile itself from the inner ceramic side. It should be noted that glue must be applied to the tile and wall so that it is directed differently. This is necessary for the formation of squares during contact of the surface with a strip of spatula-comb (seen in the photo).

Attention: The end tile, which will need to be trimmed, while we leave it alone: ​​it will be laid the very last after the entire row is laid on the wall.

  • We place the tile on the surface so that the vertical support line is aligned with the end of the tile. It is necessary to insert crosses between the supporting row and the tile to obtain seams.
    You should attach the level in an upright position to the first tile of the entire row and check its verticality. A vertical support line is visible from the left edge, which runs parallel to the wall.
  • We lay the tiles on the whole row and check the vertical, horizontal and planar arrangement of their level both along and across the wall.
  • At the end, like the previous horizontal row, we put the trimmed end tiles of the row.
  • We start laying the tiles on another wall surface, repeating all the previous steps, and finish the row over the entire area of ​​the room. By analogy, we start laying another row, and we finish laying the tiles to the ceiling. Pay attention to the design of the rows with decorative borders in accordance with the plan for the general laying of tiles.

We pass to the very last horizontal row from below:

  • It is necessary to mark the length of the tiles and cut them. To make it convenient, it is necessary to mark with a marker all the expected places of tiles by area and number the trimmed tiles so as not to confuse their placement during installation.
  • If necessary, it is necessary to adjust and insert the tiles to the sewer pipes, the outlet of cold and hot water.
  • A beautiful hole in the tile can be made using special circular drills for ceramics and crowns. After the tiles are cut and fitted, proceed to mixing the glue and begin laying the last row.In the same way, we monitor its horizontal, vertical and planar arrangement on the surface.


It is necessary to periodically clean the seam from the solution. It must not dry completely, otherwise you will not remove it.

  • The solution is removed with a spatula angle;
  • When the tile is completely dry, then the seam must be repaired with putty. To do this, use a rubber spatula;
We close the seam with a rubber spatula
We close the seam with a rubber spatula
  • After application, it is necessary to erase the excess with a rag;
  • We are waiting for complete drying. There will be a white coating on the tile. We remove it again with a rag, but only dry.

You already know the technology of facing ceramic tiles. Now you can see photos and videos and get to work.
There is an instruction. It is important to properly prepare the surface and not rush. It is necessary to carefully adjust all the details.

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