In the bathroom, painting walls: how to do it right

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Paint for painting walls in the bathroom
Paint for painting walls in the bathroom

Paint for painting the walls in the bathroom there is a large number in retail chains and it will not be difficult to acquire it. It is divided into types and here you have to be determined. This will be affected by the design of painting the walls in the bathroom and also the temperature in the room.

How to choose a paint

The design of the walls in the bathroom will determine the material (seeWhat and how to paint in the bathroom wall) The most important thing is that the paint should be waterproof, because other types of paint are simply not designed for the constantly moist environment of the bathroom, and you simply throw your money and time away when using non-waterproof paint.

So, that it is worth paying attention only to paints that are resistant to moisture, these include:

Acrylic paintIdeal for the bathroom. It fits perfectly on any surface except metal, so this is an excellent solution for painting the bathroom. What is still important, acrylic paints have a very rich color scheme, so you can choose not only your favorite color, but even a shade for painting.
Latex paintAlso used in painting bathrooms. This method is often used to paint wet rooms. The walls covered with this paint look very beautiful, and besides, you will forget for a long time what repair is, because acrylic paint perfectly transfers moisture and remains in excellent condition for a long time. What is still quite important, the paint does not require special care unlike other coloring materials and perfectly fits even on damaged sections of the walls.
Water-based paintThis paint is also very popular among buyers who want to “refresh” their bathroom. Its advantages: affordable price, long service life (if handled correctly), a large assortment of colors, the absence of a pungent odor characteristic of paint. But it is not worth too often fond of washing such a surface, and for a longer service life, it is better to tile the areas in the area of ​​the bathtub and shower itself.

The advantage of coating surfaces with these types of paints:

  • Since these paints are environmentally friendly, they are completely safe for humans;
  • Easy to use these paints, the demon with these paints will not take much of your time. Even a child can cope with this task, because the paint is odorless and easy to apply, so such a boring activity at first glance can be turned into family entertainment, allowing the child to express himself and feel his importance there;
  • The long life of this material, and its wear resistance, and this is almost one of the most important advantages, because every year nobody makes a repair;
  • Ease of use of such a coating. You do not have to spend money on expensive funds or wash the surface of stains for hours;

Attention: These types of paints have antibacterial properties, and this will protect you from terrible mold and fungus in the bathroom. Thus, you will save yourself from the unpleasant odor that they can cause.

In addition to the listed advantages, all the declared types of paints, of course, also have aesthetic ones, because after choosing the right shade for yourself, you can turn your bath into a work of art, showing only a little imagination.

Matte and glossy surfaces

These two options are acceptable, here you need to build on the design you have chosen.

  • Beautiful shine will give your walls a glossy surface. But it will look spectacular only on perfectly smooth walls.
  • The matte surface can hide some defects on the walls and looks good in any interior, so it is more popular than glossy. But its disadvantage is that it is more susceptible to mechanical damage.
  • Special for concealing defects on the walls there are relief paints, they create a certain convexity, which does not attract attention to imperfections on the surface.

What kind of paint to choose, depending on what walls you have, in what condition they are. As well as your personal preferences and the price you are counting on.


Paint the walls in the bathroom for anyone to do with their own hands. It has its own sequence and dye application technology. To start, the walls in the bathroom for painting need to be prepared in high quality and this will be the key to durability and quality of the coating. Below is an instruction on how to do this job.

Surface preparation for painting

Before you go directly to the process of painting itself, you need to prepare the surface, because on uneven walls the paint lays down pretty badly and you will not get the desired result.

Preparing the wall for painting
Preparing the wall for painting

Attention: if there is a fungus on the wall, then it must be removed. In this case, the infected layer is completely removed and the plane is treated with antifungal agents.

  • First we need to examine the plane. To do this, pay attention to cracks and plaster. Tapping her. If there is delamination, the coating is removed with a chisel;
  • If there are no cracks, then just remove the old coating. To do this, you need a scraper, putty knife and emery. If you can’t cope with these tools, then you can’t do without a grinder, with soft disks for emery.
  • If there are not large cracks, then they need to be expanded, also with a chisel;
  • After that, you need to putty everything. To do this, you can use a simple dry mixture. First, it is bred in a container and then applied with a narrow spatula.
  • After drying, it is necessary to treat the plane with a construction mesh and smooth out irregularities.
  • In the event that after this there are still roughnesses on the surface, acrylic putty will help you remove them.
  • Now a layer of soil is applied. It will make the connection quality and reliable. It is better to give preference to deep penetration liquids.
  • Then polish all the defects with sandpaper.
  • Mold and fungi can be removed using special solutions based on chlorine, etc.
  • When the walls are even, they need to be applied several layers of primer (seePrimer for walls for painting - types and tasks) repeatedly, the number of layers depends on the state of your walls. Latex primers are perfect for this, you can also call with an antifungal effect, if necessary.

Painting tools

Wall decoration in the bathroom for painting is done with the necessary tools. Depending on what area you need to paint, apply brushes, rollers and spray guns.

  • The brush stains well, with a thick layer, but it doesn’t very economically use paint.
  • Save paint, help roller. It distributes the paint with a thin and even layer, but it is very difficult for them to paint over unevenness and angles.
    Roller with felt surface is suitable for coating with water-based paint. The width of the roller depends on the area of ​​the painted surface.
  • Only with a spray gun (seeWe select a spray gun for painting) You can evenly and professionally apply paint.

Attention: But do not forget that after each use it must be thoroughly washed.

Previously, they used a vacuum cleaner instead of a spray gun, but why complicate your life so much if you can now buy a compressor in every hardware store. At the same time, if the painting area is not large, then it is not necessary to spend money on the spray gun, the brush and roller will do the job.

Painting process

The options for painting the walls in the bathroom are quite different. To choose, it’s worth watching the video in this article, where you will find additional information you need. Some people make stucco molding on the wall, about this you can read on the pages of our site. Then painting is done by elements.

Apply dye
Apply dye

When the surface is ready for painting and all the preliminary preparation procedures have been completed, finally, you can start the painting process itself, which is also creative.

  • In two layers, water-based paint is usually applied. The bottom layer can be slightly diluted with water.
  • In order to avoid drips on the walls when painting with a roller, a tray with special grooves is needed. It will help to remove excess paint from the roller and avoid unwanted drips.
  • Masking tape is used so as not to smear platbands, a door and other sections adjacent to the wall in paint.
  • The first thing to do is paint corners and places that are hard to get into, and then proceed to the rest of the wall.
  • It is recommended to apply the first layer with a brush, as it smooths out irregularities and applies a thick layer.

Attention: It is worth knowing that even in cans of the same manufacturer, the color may differ, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is best to mix all cans of paint at once.

Apply paint to the wall gradually, first on one wall and then on another.

  • When the first coat is completely dry, you can already apply the second coat.
  • In order to diversify the walls with lines or squares, masking tape is used. With its help, the line will be smooth and beautiful.
    The masking tape is glued in the place where it is necessary, and on top of it is painted with another. When the paint has dried, the tape needs to be removed with color.
  • With the help of stencils, you can decorate your wall with a beautiful pattern.

In the bathroom, painting the walls is not a difficult task, but responsible. Take a look at the photo and select the desired dyes. In winter, do not buy on open trays, when freezing, the paint will simply curl up. Do all the work slowly and deliberately.

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