Acrylic bathtub painting: detailed instructions

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Glass bath painting
Glass bath painting

How to paint the bath with acrylic at home and other dyes, we will consider today. Also, for clarity, you can watch the video in this article and do all the work yourself.

The instructions will be outlined below.

Choose a cover

Acrylic paint for the bath is not one, here you will still need to make the right choice for restoration.

There are two options: acrylic or epoxy based enamel:

  • The epoxy version has been used for a long time, for more than twenty years. If you properly prepare the surface and follow all the rules of application, it will last for more than a dozen years. The technique of applying and preparing such enamel is quite complicated;
  • For the restoration of baths, not so long ago, they started using acrylic. In its durability, it is in no way inferior to the previous version. Such an enamel is applied easier, but preparing a compound is much more difficult. The hardener is too liquid, but the acrylic is viscous, so you have to mix carefully and hard. Among other things, such a paint is more expensive, plus you must accurately maintain the proportions of hardener and resin.

Note: Acrylic paint for walls in the bathroom is also used, and you can immediately make repairs.

But if you are a component person in painting business, then it is best to work with epoxy. If you are a tidy person who does not have special skills, take the second method into service.

Tools, materials and accessories

Painting the bath with acrylic and other materials begins with the preparation. I want to say right away that this stage of work is even more important than applying dye. After all, how can you not apply it correctly, if the plane is not prepared, the film will peel off very quickly.


  • Flute brush seventy to ninety millimetersIt should be made of natural bristles. It is better to stock up on two: if one gets dirty, comes into contact with a greasy surface, you need to throw it away right away. Also, do not touch the bristles with your fingers, as any microparticles will lead to further peeling of the paint. Brushes should be placed in a plastic bag before starting work;
  • Durex and grinding head. Durex wheel - a flexible grinding wheel having a plastic or rubber base;
  • Tweezers and paint knife - they are necessary in order to carefully remove the bristles that have come out of the brush without touching them with their hands. With new brushes, this happens constantly, but the old one, which has already been worked on, should not be used;
  • Of the consumables, about half a liter of cement and solvent No. 646 will be required. It is strictly forbidden to use white spirit or other solvents based on hydrocarbon. You will need a rag that does not leave a pile. Old calico, cotton or flannel will do. A good option would be special napkins that wipe the glasses (about six pieces). But they are not cheap, so it's best to look for a rag that is thoroughly washed and rinsed before use.

We return to the "life" tin bath

Very often the following happens: the bathtub is made of tin and has become thinner in addition, but there is no money.

What to do in this case:

  • You will need old women's tights or fiberglass with satin weave.The size of the piece should be sufficient to close the fistula several times, leaving a small stick of five to seven centimeters on each side. A simple epoxy glue will also be required.
  • First, we send the fiberglass to boil, and the tights are placed in a thorough wash. Boiling is necessary in order to remove the remaining paraffin, which is coated with fiber before weaving. This will take about one and a half hours, after ten to fifteen minutes, carefully drain the third of the upper layer of water.
  • At this time, Durex we process enamel with chips and the space around the defect to a shiny metal. After the dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner without a nozzle, and the treated area is degreased several times with a solvent or acetone. This is done until the rags cease to get dirty when degreasing. Further, a small piece of film is applied outside and fixed with ordinary adhesive tape crosswise.
  • Now you can start preparing epoxy glue. We smear with them the previously treated surface, impose a fabric patch, a couple of centimeters from the chip, and pierce with a brush until there are no bubbles. As soon as the epoxy has set to the state of jelly, the next layer is applied and the patching is applied, which will be larger than the first. We do this up to five times. After finishing hardening, the edges of the patches are removed with a sandpaper.

Acrylic coating

The substances used for the restoration of bathtubs contain aggressive volatile components. Therefore, before proceeding to work, everything except the faience products must be taken out of the bathroom.

If there is a washing machine in the room, then it is carefully packed in a plastic film, and the cracks are glued with tape or tape. We remove a shower with a hose and do not forget about the protection of nickel-plated taps.

We clean the surface

Preparation of a cast iron product for painting begins with cleaning the surface of dirt.

We are preparing the plane
We are preparing the plane
  • Oxalic acid, pemolux or another detergent falls asleep at the bottom of the bath. We moisten the resulting path so that eventually a slurry forms and with the simplest sponge we begin to spread along the walls to the very top. Such work, like the rest, is done with open windows and doors, be sure to wear an apron and gloves.

Caution: If you use oxalic acid, then do not forget about the respirator. After all, you can damage the airways.

  • We keep the resulting porridge in the bathroom for about fifteen minutes, then rinse and completely fill the bath. We hold the same amount of time and wash off the water. It is time for abrasive processing.
  • As mentioned above, the purpose of such actions is to create the desired microrelief on a clean surface. Therefore, rusty streaks cannot be left: in the future, iron oxide will become the place where enamel will crack. If dirt or rust has been eaten so that you have to remove the enamel to the metal itself, there is nothing critical about this. The main thing is not to wipe through, if the bath is made of tin.
  • First, we dismantle the overflow and drain holes. Then, using a cord brush, smooth the surface until there is no visible pollution and dullness.
  • The roughness is checked very easily: if the surface is processed correctly, then the nail should not slip, it stretches. Additionally, you can check with a gliding light from the LED flashlight: there should be no glare spots.

Remove grease and dust

Unlike the previous steps, during degreasing and painting, getting into the bathtub and touching its inner surface is not worth it. This is difficult to do when removing the drainage piping, so you should take a closer look at how convenient it will work.

  • Before degreasing, dust is collected with a vacuum cleaner; with a rag that is wetted in a solvent, wipe the area around the drain holes, and again put the strapping of the sinks.
  • Then, in an apron, and a glove, pour about a liter of Adrilan or Sanox (active detergents containing acid) and rub with a new sponge in an even layer from the bottom. We leave the bath with such a grout alone for sixty minutes.
  • Then we refill it to the very top and again wait an hour and a half. In this case, the bath will start to heat up quite strongly. If it does not get too hot, add another half bottle of detergent. When the liquid has noticeably cooled, drain the liquid.
  • Now we fill the bathtub again, wait the same amount of time, merge and repeat these actions one more time. If time is not running out for you, then it is best to do such a wash five times.
  • Now you need to dry everything with a household hair dryer. This process should not be delayed, as fine dust constantly falls from the ceiling.
  • The absence of fat is checked by a shower (to do this, screw the previously removed hose). As a result, water should envelop the surface evenly, without dripping. Cleanliness is checked with a cloth of solvent. If the bath is dry and there is no dirt left on the rag, we again remove the drain piping and proceed to the most interesting part - painting.

Paint with epoxy enamel

Work on painting the bath should begin with the preparation of the compound, following the instructions on the package. Enamels from different companies may differ in composition, so it is impossible to give a universal recipe here. If according to the technology before applying the hardener it is necessary to warm the base, we use a water bath.

Caution: In no case should you add the entire hardener immediately to the base. If you manage to finish it on time, the lasting layer obviously will not work.

  • The base is measured in small portions of two hundred and fifty milliliters, and accordingly we divide the hardener into this amount. If, for example, you use 1.5 liters of base, then the hardener is divided into six parts. After its introduction, each portion is thoroughly kneaded.

Attention! Do not forget that in each portion of the finished enamel, twelve to fourteen milliliters of dibutyl phthalate is added, which is also mixed.

  • Paint with a flush brush. Wet the tool thoroughly, draw a strip from the bottom to the very edge, then rub it to the sides as much as possible.
  • The next strip is carried out so that the grind horizontally overlaps fifty percent.
  • The bristles that come out of the brush are removed with tweezers or a knife. Never touch the work surface with your hands.

Apply acrylic

You can always see how much acrylic paint for the bathroom costs and the price will be higher about the first option. Acrylic bath composition is sold as standard. They are designed to cover a large area of ​​1.7 meters.

Application of acrylic to the bath
Application of acrylic to the bath

The kit includes a bottle with a hardener and an acrylic base:

  • To prepare the coloring composition, pour the hardener into a bucket of paint and mix them for at least ten minutes.

Important! Due to the fact that the hardener has a liquid consistency, and the base is thick, they are difficult to mix. This is especially noticeable on the bottom and wall of the tank. It is necessary to ensure that the finished product is mixed efficiently, otherwise unhardened areas will appear on the surface. For these works, it is not advised to use a mixer, because it does not mix the composition located on the walls.

  • Then, we apply the prepared paint by pouring onto the surface;
  • It should be noted that after this small air bubbles may appear. They can be easily removed with an ordinary clean brush. The movements should be light, without any pressure. Brush through the entire bowl. It may happen that strips remain from it, but do not worry, they will disappear in a few minutes;
  • All stages of work aimed at restoring the bath will take from one and a half hours to three;
  • You can use it in a day from the moment of applying the paint (if the temperature in the room is not lower than twenty-five degrees). If this figure is lower, then it will take a day more.

After the glass, a new enamel coating appears, its thickness can be up to eight millimeters. The use of the option "bulk bath" makes it possible to obtain an absolute glossy and even surface.

The paint layer has excellent adhesion to the old coating and we repeat all the outlines of the bath. The coating, although smooth, will not be slippery, it is not afraid of mechanical and chemical effects, it is also resistant to microorganisms.

With the formation of smudges and sag

In both cases, painting, especially if it is done with epoxy enamel, drips may appear.

How to paint the bath yourself with acrylic without smudges
How to paint the bath yourself with acrylic without smudges

Caution: Their formation must be monitored after ten minutes for epoxy and after three minutes for acrylic.

  • To remove errors, just swipe the brush up. Sagging that appears on the edge of the drain hole, after the enamel has hardened, is cut off with a mounting or painting knife.
  • It may be necessary to install new gaskets in order to install the drain piping after such work - the drain holes will become tighter and the walls will become thicker.

Acrylic paint for the bathroom is available for sale, you can choose according to the desired color. You also know how to paint an acrylic bath, it remains to see the photo and you can get to work. And in this case, you will not be interested in how much it costs to paint the bath with acrylic.

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