Let's consider what is better: paint the walls or stick wallpaper

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Hard choice: paint the walls, or glue the wallpaper
Hard choice: paint the walls, or glue the wallpaper

Many design decisions regarding the design of premises are so complicated in execution that not everyone can afford to do something like this with their own hands - and far from everyone can afford the price of many finishing materials.

That is why paint and wallpaper were and remain consumer goods. Their choice in cost, quality and decorative properties is so huge that for any customer demand there is the right option - not in one, but in another store.

Sometimes a person cannot decide which is better: to glue wallpaper, or paint walls? Here we will try to answer this question using the video in this article.

What to choose

When the budget defined for repairs is too small, the design question somehow fades into the background. When choosing a decoration option for rooms, the owner is more interested in what is cheaper: to paint the walls or to paste the wallpaper? We will try together to find a logical answer to this question.


  • The price ranges of both types of materials are quite wide: there are budget ones, and there are also elite options. But if you compare a five-kilogram can of acrylic paint and a standard ten-meter roll of wallpaper bought at the same price, it will be more profitable, of course, paint.
Tinting paint for interiors
Tinting paint for interiors
  • Such a can is enough for painting in two layers of 10 m2 of the wall, while wallpaper is enough to paste only 5 m2. On average, interior paint for tinting, costs between 550-700 rubles. At this price, you can buy only the most simple paper or vinyl wallpaper (see. The difference between vinyl and non-woven wallpaper: consider in detail) Flizelin and textile options are much more expensive.

The answer suggests itself: if there is a need to save, preference should be given to paint. But this does not mean at all that painted walls will certainly look cheap and dull. To avoid this, you need to know something about the modern principles of applying interior paints.

Advantages of the painted interior

Many people of the older generation believe that only a beautiful pattern on the wallpaper can give the room a cosiness and a certain charm. Simply, in an era of widespread scarcity, it was practically the only material available that was massively used for repairs.

The issue of the possibility of painting walls in a living room was not discussed, because the paints that industry offered at that time were simply not suitable for this purpose.


  • The walls, painted with oil paint, looked more like hospital rooms, and the water emulsion was only based on PVA, which turned yellow after a year or two. Only progress does not stand still, and today the situation has fundamentally changed.
  • Modern interior paints, which are an aqueous dispersion of polymer resins: latex, acrylic, silicone, create high-quality and durable coatings. They are not afraid of moisture or ultraviolet radiation, and coatings can often be not only washed, but also cleaned with abrasive substances, which allows you to paint the walls in bathrooms as well.
Original solution for painted walls
Original solution for painted walls
  • Well, as for the possibilities for design, this, as usual, depends on the imagination and taste of the person involved in the decoration. Take the interior shown in the photo above. The classic combination of gray and white, plus an interesting sticker on the wall - and the room in Khrushchev looks no worse than a town house.

Note! In many modern options for interior design, wallpaper does not fit at all. Room decoration in high-tech styles, minimalism, fusion, is done only with paints. Moreover, they do not have to be pastel shades. It can be a firework of color - only to approach its selection you need to try correctly.

Bright colors in the interior
Bright colors in the interior
  • You can emphasize monotonously painted walls not only with the help of a sticker - it can also be a stencil drawing, which you can quite do yourself. More complex in execution, but incredibly decorating the room with a wall design option, is the multi-color painting technology, which we will talk about.
  • With its help, you can not only come up with an original design for a children's or teenage room, but also exclusively design any other room. Colored stripes, circles, zigzags look very harmonious on the wall - provided, of course, that the colors are arranged correctly, and a similar emphasis is placed on only one wall.
Color selection is made by tinting fan
Color selection is made by tinting fan
  • If you like this wall decoration option, You can, of course, stick and wallpaper with the appropriate geometric pattern. Only finding on sale exactly what suits the shades of your furniture or textiles does not always work. In this regard, with interior paints is much simpler, since they are sold in white, and they can be tinted in almost any tone.
  • Going to the store for paint, take with you a sample of fabric or wallpaper for which you need to choose a color. There you will be offered a catalog of colors: the so-called tinting fan - this is where you will select the right shade. In many trading organizations, computer tinting is offered to the buyer as an additional service, although not always free.
Custom solution: both wallpaper and multi-color staining
Custom solution: both wallpaper and multi-color staining
  • You can tint the paint at home - you only need to purchase a tinting paste or paint, and deal with the process. We will not dwell on it now, since detailed instructions on this subject are on our website. At home, you can experiment by making probes to evaluate how the color looks under the lighting that is provided in the finished room.

Anyway, the dilemma: to paint, or to glue wallpaper, can be resolved by combining these two types of finishes! We think that the design option presented above will dispel all your doubts.

There are very saturated tones in this interior, but they are so precisely dosed and combine so well with other shades that they do not introduce any disharmony.

The combination of colors and wallpaper

It is simply impossible to not appreciate the design of walls with combined painting, as it provides almost unlimited opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas. But many immediately have a counter-question: how complex is the technology of this work, and is it possible to do it yourself? Of course you can, and it's not as difficult as it seems!

Multicolor coloring

If you need to make horizontal or vertical alternating stripes, you just need a simple pencil with a ruler and masking tape. First, the wall is painted in the color that will be the main one: usually it is a lighter tone.

After the paint has dried, you can start marking:

  • Draw, for example, narrow and wide stripes. Where there will be narrow stripes, on the marking, stick masking tape. It is very important that its edges adhere well to the base, otherwise the paint will flow out beyond the borders of the second strip, and its edges will turn out not even, but notched. Free space - where there will be wide stripes, paint over with a second color.
Multicolor painting in the design of the walls of the nursery
Multicolor painting in the design of the walls of the nursery
  • After a few hours, when the paint dries, remove it - and the strips are ready.Vary in the decoration of the walls, you can not only different shades, but also the width and number of stripes. The simplest option is zoning the surface to be trimmed into two horizontal sections. The lower zone is usually a third of the height of the wall, forming a kind of panel.
  • In such cases, the boundaries of the plots are distinguished by decorative border, or rail. Zoning options can be different, and allow you to visually adjust the insufficient or excessive height of the room, expand the space of a narrow room - or vice versa, make it more compact.

I must say that this principle is used in the same way when stickering wallpapers, which looks even more interesting - in this case, you can experiment not only with color, but also with relief or pattern.

Material Combination Principles

When decorating the premises, designers also use such a technique, which is called gradient coloring. In this case, paint of the same color, but of different tones in saturation, is used. Thus, it is possible to adjust the lighting intensity of a wall - and this is especially true when a large room is zoned by partitions, niches and other structural elements.


  • It looks very beautiful in the interior, and it’s even impossible to say which is better: paint the walls or wallpaper. As well as in the case of horizontal zoning, they can be combined in shades, but at the same time, there are much more possibilities for design, since in addition to color, a pattern is also involved in it.
Combination of wallpapers with different patterns, but in one color scheme
Combination of wallpapers with different patterns, but in one color scheme
  • The principle of creating an emphasis on one wall, is used by designers most often. In any case, it is ideal for small rooms of a regular geometric shape, which you often have to deal with. In this case, the wall, or its fragment, is distinguished: if it is paint, then in a brighter color, and if wallpaper - then a large, clearly pronounced pattern.
Focus on one wall with wallpaper
Focus on one wall with wallpaper
  • The rest of the walls are finished with a lighter, shade-neutral material. By the way, in such a design, paint is often combined with wallpaper - they serve as a means to get that accent. Anyway, by combining these materials, you can create real masterpieces of interior design. Take a look at the photo below as an example, and everything will be clear to you without words.
  • Here we see the gradient selection, and zoning of individual sections of the walls, and the framing of the selected zones with a decorative border. Each wall was finished individually - it is so well matched by the color scheme that you simply can not take your eyes off the interior.
Paint and wallpaper in the design of the walls
Paint and wallpaper in the design of the walls
  • Note that such solutions are an excellent option for decoration of premises of complex configuration, with piers, narrow aisles, short partitions, etc. In this case, each of these architectural elements can be decorated in its own way. But sometimes a wall that is too long is zoned in this way. This looks especially appropriate, for example, in a one-room apartment, where it is necessary to somehow separate the sleeping and guest areas.

Interiors, finished in certain architectural styles: vintage, romantic, historical, ethnic - also can not do without accents. And what kind of material to use to achieve the goal, by and large, is not so important, since each of us focuses on our taste and, of course, the budget.

Visitors Comments
  1. Ekaterina

    For me, painting walls is a better option! There are certainly very beautiful wallpapers, and I do not argue that sometimes they look even more beautiful than simply painted walls, but now there is so much decorative paint. For every taste and color) I like paint with grains of sand, the walls look very rich with such paint, and in order to apply such a picture you do not need to be an experienced craftsman at all. I applied with a wide brush with inaccurate movements, but it turned out just gorgeous) Or a lot of ideas with sponges, or French paper, there is a flight for imagination) A wallpaper to glue, no creativity, boring)

  2. Artemy Nikolaevich

    Painting walls in a living room is the most dull way to finish. And at the same time, far from the easiest. The wall to be painted should be smooth and well prepared, without cracks and other minor defects that would be excusable when wallpapering. This means that before painting the walls you need to cook quite carefully, this is a big loss of time and effort. Whatever paints are used, the painted wall remains “cold”, and to the touch and purely psychologically. I think this method of decoration is good for the walls of the entrance, which can be decorated as you like, but for an apartment you should still prefer wallpaper.

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