How to wash linoleum
Linoleum is a practical and popular flooring that fits into any residential area, whether it is a living room or kitchen. During operation, the material gets dirty and loses its original appearance. If you know how to wash linoleum and what means to use, you can protect the material from spoilage and keep it in good condition for many years.
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How to care for linoleum?
Linoleum is natural and made of artificial fibers (PVC). Material made from natural ingredients is considered stronger, but the care and precautions are the same for both types of coating. There are several preventive measures, adhering to which, you can avoid premature damage to the material:
- Do not allow prolonged contact of linoleum with direct sunlight. Because of this, the coating loses its brightness.
- The material deteriorates from high temperatures, so it is better to clean with water 30-35 degrees.
- Artificial linoleum does not like excess moisture. After mopping, remove excess water with a dry cloth.
- If bleaches are used for cleaning, which contain chlorine, then they are diluted with 50:50 water. From concentrated products, color is lost and spots may form.
- To prevent mechanical damage, special stickers are glued to the legs of heavy furniture.
- It is not recommended to lay linoleum on insulated loggias. This leads to the fact that the material begins to deteriorate, deform, and also cracks and damage appear.
- Do not use abrasive cloths or powders with large, hard granules. After their application, the surface deteriorates and is scratched.
- If coloring substances get on linoleum, it is necessary to immediately remove them from the surface. After absorption, cleaning is extremely difficult.
- It is not recommended to use cleaning products that contain kerosene, acetone and other aggressive substances.
- Before entering the room, they lay a rug to clean the soles of dirt that scratch the linoleum.
To extend the life of the material, it is treated with a special polish or mastic. After applying the compositions, a thin film is formed that protects linoleum from external damage, ultraviolet radiation and premature abrasion. The processing principle is as follows
- Soak a soft sponge with the product and thoroughly treat the surface of linoleum.
- Wait for the first coat to dry, apply the second one in the same way.
Rub the product until it is completely dry, remove the remaining product with a dry cloth. - After processing, the flooring must not be stressed. In order for the film to completely dry, it is aged not less than 8-10 hours. Only after this time you can walk on the cover. If you do not follow this rule, the protective film will be broken and the desired effect will not work.
It will be useful to treat linoleum with a clear drying oil or natural linseed oil. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a month, and allows you to prevent the occurrence of cracks.
Note. Drying oil is divided into natural, compositional and oxol. For linoleum, installed in residential premises, a tool based on natural components is used. Composite drying oil is intended only for outdoor use, as it is toxic and can harm the body. Oxol is not recommended to be applied to linoleum, because the composition contains a solvent that adversely affects the flooring.
Cleaning Methods
The material is cleaned not only in specialized institutions that produce dry cleaning, but also at home. The main thing is to know how you can wash linoleum so as not to harm even more, and adhere to some care tips. There are two types of cleaning:
- Dry - carried out using a vacuum cleaner. In the first 5 days after linoleum flooring, it is recommended to eliminate pollution by this method, because moisture is not desirable on the surface of the newly laid linoleum. Also, the dry method is suitable for quick daily cleaning, and does not take much time.
- Wet - using detergents. Before cleaning with this method, particles of dirt are removed from the surface of linoleum using a broom or vacuum cleaner. Then a special cleaning solution is added to the tank with warm water, a soft cloth or sponge is moistened in it, and linoleum is washed.
At home, liquid soap is most often used to prepare a soap solution. It is not recommended to use the powder, but there are situations when contaminants need to be urgently removed, and there is nothing besides it at hand. Then 1 tbsp. L of the powder is dissolved in 3 liters of warm water so that no solid particles remain, and only after that the floor covering is cleaned.
If using these products it is not possible to remove stains and any impurities, then it is best to purchase special cleaning products for natural or artificial linoleum in the store. It is important to use such tools following the instructions, if it is not diluted correctly, you can damage the coating and spoil it.
Linoleum cleaning after repair
How to wash linoleum after repair is one of the most common questions. Whitewashing, paint and mortars are not very well rubbed off the surface of the material, but there are still ways to remove contaminants. These include:
- Soap solutions with the addition of salt (5-6 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). With this composition, the floor is washed 2-3 times, and then washed off with clean water.
- Water with potassium permanganate (1/6 teaspoon of manganese per 10 liters of water). It is important that the crystals dissolve completely, since after them there are spots on linoleum.
The dried paint is removed with a spatula, then the remaining stain is wiped with white spirit, and after that the floor covering is washed with clean water.
Cleaning stubborn stains and yellowness
Yellowed linoleum - how to wash it at home? If the flooring has turned yellow from old age, then, unfortunately, this yellow cannot be completely removed. You can lighten it a little and refresh linoleum. For this, in 10 liters. 1 liter of warm water is added. whiteness, then the floor is washed with a solution 2-3 times. After the bleaching agent, the floor covering is thoroughly washed with clean water. At the end, linoleum is rubbed with a special polish, which can be glossy or matte. For the old flooring, the first option is more suitable. Gloss refreshes the color and creates a visual effect of the novelty of linoleum. The table below presents folk remedies and descriptions of how to wash old linoleum from stubborn stains:
Type of pollution | Cleaning methods |
Wax | First, a drop of wax is cut off with a knife. The tool must be held parallel to the floor. After the drop is removed, the residue is heated by a hairdryer and is removed with a dry cloth. You can’t rub too much, a bright spot may remain. |
Pen Ink | To remove stubborn ink, a nail polish remover is used, whiteness diluted with 2:10 water, gasoline, ammonia or medical alcohol. Apply one of the products to the fabric, apply it to dirt and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, the stain is wiped, and the residues are removed with a napkin dipped in clean water. Helps to cope with ink and mustard.To do this, the stained area is slightly moistened with water, mustard powder is poured on top and left for 10-12 hours. After the specified time, the residues are removed with a damp cloth. If these tools do not help, then pumice or sandpaper with a fine abrasive is used. |
Iodine | It is removed with gasoline, kerosene or chlorine bleaches. The contaminated place is wetted with water, and then a cotton pad soaked in any of the means is applied on it for 20-30 minutes. After that, the residues are wiped with a damp cloth. |
Zelenka | Zielonka is eliminated with acetone, hydrogen peroxide and camphor alcohol. To do this, you need to moisten a piece of cotton wool in the prepared product, apply it to the stain (for 10-15 minutes), and then remove the dissolved green from the surface of linoleum. If once is not enough, then the procedure is repeated until the pollution completely disappears. Do not rub heavily, stains may remain on the material. After the linoleum is cleaned, its surface is wiped with a cloth moistened with water, and then linseed oil is applied to the damaged area. |
Rust | For a cleaning composition, you will need to mix 1 tsp of citric acid, 1 tsp of salt and 100 ml of water. The components are thoroughly mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved, then the mixture is heated to 40-50 degrees and applied to rust. The composition is aged for 15-20 minutes, then removed with a damp cloth. |
Mold | Mold is removed from the coating with a mixture of citric acid and soda. First, the contaminated surface is wetted with water at 30 degrees. Then baking soda and citric acid 50 to 50 are mixed. Next, the resulting composition is applied to a moistened spot for 20-30 minutes. Residues are removed with a damp cloth. |
Fat | Eaten fat gives in to turpentine. To do this, the product is applied to the contaminated area, and after 5 minutes it is removed with a dry cloth. After the stains have been removed, the linoleum surface is wiped with a damp cloth moistened with water and lemon juice. Proportions - 100 ml of water 3-5 drops of juice. |
Before you start cleaning stains, you need to test the cleaning agent in the barely visible area of linoleum. If after applying the composition there are white spots, stains, small bubbles form on the surface of the coating, then it can not be used in any case. In this case, you have to pick up another tool. Most often, such problems can occur with artificial material. Natural linoleum is more resistant to the effects of cleaning mixtures. In addition, it is important to remember that when removing stains, the surface of the flooring cannot be rubbed heavily. This leads to abrasion of the material, the appearance of stains and bleached spots.
Important! All procedures are performed with rubber gloves. Aggressive products harm the skin. If the composition still gets on the skin, then wash the affected area under running water.
Black bands from shoes at the front door are a common problem. It is difficult to get rid of it with the help of traditional detergents, therefore a clerical eraser comes to the rescue in this situation. He quickly copes even with stubborn pollution.
To eliminate dark streaks, you need to rub them with an eraser, and then remove the residues with a dry cloth and wash linoleum with soapy water. In addition, chewing gum is removed in this way. To do this, follow the instructions:
- Apply an ice cube to chewing gum for 2-3 minutes.
- Carefully remove dirt with a knife.
- Wipe the remaining chewing gum with an eraser.
- Wash linoleum with soapy water.
- Dry the surface of the floor with a dry cloth.
The eraser helps get rid of stains of greens, fat, iodine, coffee and other contaminants.If this method does not help, then you will have to turn to help, alcohol, vinegar or solvents.
It is considered an effective remedy for many types of pollution and unpleasant odors. Most often, solutions with vodka or alcohol are used to eliminate grease, felt-tip pen and ink. Means are prepared in three ways:
- Mix 1 liter of warm water, 1 teaspoon of liquid for washing dishes and 200 ml of vodka or 2 tbsp. l of medical alcohol.
- Add 1 tsp of soda and 50 ml of vodka to 200 ml of water. Put in a container 1 liter of warm water, add 200-250 ml of vodka and 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.
Cotton wool is impregnated in the resulting solution, which is then applied to the contaminated area. If the pollution is ingrained, then the exposure time of the product is 30-40 minutes. The remaining dirt is removed with a clean cloth, and then the surface of the linoleum is washed with clean water. Sometimes you can’t wipe off the stains the first time. Then the procedure is repeated 1 or 2 times.
Note. It is forbidden to use sponges with an abrasive, since after them linoleum deteriorates, and white scratched spots remain that cannot be removed.
How to wash linoleum, if the contamination is not amenable to standard cleaners? Table vinegar (9%) will help cope with stubborn stains. If only vinegar essence 70% is available, then it is diluted with water until 9% is obtained. Stains are cleaned according to the following instructions:
- Moisten contaminated area.
- Pour 1 tbsp. l of table salt.
- Wait 5-10 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination).
- Remove residue with a sponge.
- Wash linoleum thoroughly with soap and water and then clean.
- Dry the floor with a dry cloth.
It is important to remember that work is carried out only with rubber gloves. If vinegar enters the skin, severe burns appear.
The video shows how to wash old linoleum, and what cleaning products are used at home.
If you know how to quickly wash linoleum, then pollution can be dealt with in a matter of minutes. The main thing is to follow the cleaning rules and adhere to the recommendations. Fresh spots are most quickly removed, with stagnant ones you will have to work a little. In order to prevent premature spoilage of linoleum, it is necessary to carefully care for it and in time to eliminate the pollution that has appeared. Remember - it is easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences later. Therefore, it is important to start caring for the floor from the moment it is laid.