Finishing a kitchen in a private house: choosing the right one

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Modern kitchen in a private house
Modern kitchen in a private house

There are much more possibilities for finishing a kitchen in a mansion than in multi-storey buildings. This is favored by a sufficient height of the premises, and the area of ​​the rooms.
And even if the house is not very large, the kitchen in it is still more spacious than in any typical apartment. Ceiling load-bearing structures and non-standard room geometry also help to create an interesting design.
We will talk with you about which decoration of a log home kitchen is most harmonious, what options for its overall design can be implemented, and with what materials it is better to do it.

Wooden surfaces

If a person wants to live in a wooden house, it is logical that he would be quite happy with the same interior decoration. And to fulfill it, in this case, is much easier than any other.
Finishing the kitchen in a wooden house can be reduced to the refinement of the basic surfaces of the walls, ceiling, and supporting structures.

Wooden surfaces coated with colored varnish
Wooden surfaces coated with colored varnish


  • If you consider that any house, including a wooden one, shrinks, then it is better not to resort to other types of finishes associated with plasters and frame constructions within two years after construction. Yes, and why?
    At this time, you can fully enjoy the pleasant woody aroma, which also has healing properties.
  • With the help of a cycle, or a piece of ordinary glass, logs that were not previously subjected to primary processing are cleared. For rounded logs, beams, or carriages, a grinding tool is used, and just large emery paper.
Materials for wood processing
Materials for wood processing
  • Thus, refreshing the wood texture, the surface of the wood is treated with an antiseptic primer. The primer will protect the wood from corrosion, excessive moisture, fire, and even from rodents.
The walls of the kitchen, sheathed by a block house
The walls of the kitchen, sheathed by a block house
  • After allowing the soil to dry, you can begin to apply a decorative coating: stain, varnish, or paint. If you do not want to engage in surface cleaning, because this is a rather time-consuming job, then the log walls can simply be primed and sheathed with eurolining or block house.
Juicy colors in the interior of the kitchen are pleasing to the eye
Juicy colors in the interior of the kitchen are pleasing to the eye
  • Not all owners of wooden houses are fans of the colors inherent in this material. After all, such an interior looks pretty monotonous, but I want bright colors that cheer up.
  • It is not necessary to preserve the wood texture and color of the surfaces sheathed with a lining board. They can be painted in any other color, as well as wooden furniture.
    In our example, the decoration of the kitchen in the country house is exactly what was done. Separate tiles on the working wall and bright blue curtains in the color of the headset complete the interior, making it unusually attractive.
Russian stove in a country house
Russian stove in a country house
  • It can be done differently. Many people want that not the entire interior of the kitchen consisted of wooden surfaces, but only its individual elements.
    Then you can leave the wooden base ceiling as an ornament, picking up a joiner and wooden furniture to it.

Wall decoration can be done in any other way used in ordinary kitchens. How to do this on a wooden base, we will describe in the next chapter of our article.

Other finishes

In many cases, it is easier to finish wooden surfaces than concrete or brick. Take, for example, frame cladding of walls or ceilings.
The wooden frame is simply nailed to the base, and there is no need to work with a hammer drill. And for other types of finishing wooden surfaces, apply certain production technologies.

Stone decor and beams

An excellent complement to the interior of any kitchen in a country house is a Russian stove or fireplace, lined with decorative stone. Without it, wall decoration in the kitchen in a wooden house is not complete.
Or rather, more often fragmented wall cladding is made in the form of panels, finishing openings, door slopes and arched passages.

Fragmented stone wall decoration
Fragmented stone wall decoration


  • For cladding wooden surfaces, it is better to use artificial stone, on a gypsum or cement basis. Yes, it happens and can not be distinguished from natural stone.
    If you have a special form and instructions for preparing the right mixture, you can make such a stone with your own hands, right at the construction site.
  • The mass of artificial stone is an order of magnitude lower than the weight of natural analogs, so less load from the decorating layer will affect the wooden surface.
  • To fix the stone tile on a wooden wall, a reinforcing metal mesh is mounted on it after priming. Then the cement mortar is mixed and glue intended for tile work is added to it.
    The same thing needs to be done if it is supposed to work with ceramic or mosaic tiles.
Arched passage decorated with stone
Arched passage decorated with stone
  • In the interior, the stone goes well with many types of finishing materials, including wood. This combination is almost always used in the design of a rustic kitchen.
  • An integral part of this design is the ceiling beams. If the design of the house allows, the supporting beams are left in sight and decorate their surface.
    The image above shows an example of a rustic style, with a combination of wooden beams and an arched passage lined with stone.
False beams in the decor of the ceiling of the kitchen
False beams in the decor of the ceiling of the kitchen

If it is not possible to use support beams in the design, hollow polyurethane beams can simply be mounted on the ceiling. Besides the fact that they can be decorated in any way, their internal cavity will serve as a cable channel in which any communications can be laid.

Coloring and wallpaper in the decoration of a wooden house

Everyone knows that in order to produce such a finish, the surface must be perfectly even. Masonry and brickwork, concrete walls and ceilings are simply plastered.

  • You can do this in a wooden house, but for this you need to tighten all surfaces with a metal mesh, or perform frame insulation, over which a fiberglass mesh is glued. Only then is plastering and finishing done.
  • Both that, and another methods are rather labor-consuming and not absolutely convenient. It is best to align the walls, sheathed them with sheets of drywall, and to mount a suspended structure of this wonderful material on the ceiling.
Gypsum plasterboard
Gypsum plasterboard
  • After that, you can decorate the kitchen as you like: glue the wallpaper, mount decorative panels or just paint with acrylic paint. Immediately increases the number of options for design, and here it is already possible to dream up.
  • Sometimes you should not think hard about the color solutions of finishing materials, it is better to carefully think through all the details and accessories of the interior. Elegant blinds in harmony with the upholstery, windows with completely different curtains, an interesting lampshade.
    Look at the photo above - wall and ceiling decoration is the most simple and discreet, but how cozy this kitchen looks!
Decorating the kitchen of a private house in Art Nouveau style
Decorating the kitchen of a private house in Art Nouveau style
  • And here is an example of modern kitchen design. As you can see, the finish of the whole room is done only with paint, two tones and an ode of colors.
    The main decoration of the interior of this kitchen is the original suspended ceiling made of gypro and unusual chairs in harmony with the lamps.
Cement Boards
Cement Boards
  • If desired, it is possible to finish the wooden walls of the kitchen with ceramic tiles; as a leveling layer, it is better to use not ordinary drywall, but moisture resistant. Better yet, use cement bonded particleboards.
Ceramic tiles
Ceramic tiles
  • They are absolutely not afraid of moisture, and their price is much lower. Such plates are slightly thicker than drywall, but much lighter in weight, and, moreover, provide good thermal insulation of the room. At the same time, the surface of the DSP is an ideal base for any finish, including stone.

As you can see, there are no special problems in decorating a wooden house. If it’s not entirely clear how surface preparation is performed, watch the video.
If you don’t feel confident that you can do this work yourself, contact a specialist. The main thing is to clearly understand what kind of interior you want to get in the end.

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