Stucco Rothband

Maslyakova Svetlana

Surface plastering - the stage of finishing indoors or outdoors. The work is done to smooth the surface and close cracks, so that the finish looks attractive and holds firmly. The main thing is to use quality material. Many masters prefer Rothband plaster, since the product has high quality and a number of advantages over other similar products.

Pros and Cons of Rothband Gypsum Plaster
Stucco Rothband

What is a remedy?

Rothband plaster is a dry mix for mixing mortar, which is made on the basis of gypsum. The composition also includes:

  • plasticizers - substances that increase the elasticity and strength of the material after solidification;
  • inert silicon filler - a component responsible for product characteristics;
  • additives - increase the rate of solidification of the material and prevent shrinkage.


Rothband is a product of Knauf. This is a German company that is very popular among finishers. Materials have good technical characteristics. Knauf plaster has a certificate of quality and fire safety, as well as the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service. Documents confirm that the material is not harmful to health and has low flammable properties.

Knauf company does not disclose the secrets of the composition of its products. Only the main components are claimed, but the ratio, as well as additional substances, are kept secret.

Knauf Products


Rothband plaster has the following specifications:

  • maximum size of fractions - 1.2 mm;
  • for mixing the solution you will need - 18-20 liters per 30 kg of material;
  • increased strength - more than 1.2 MPa;
  • packaging - paper bags;
  • packing - 5, 10, 25, 30 kg;
  • solidification period - 1 week;
  • time of using the finished composition - 25 minutes;
  • layer thickness for walls - 5-50 mm;
  • layer thickness for the ceiling - 5-15 mm.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rothband plaster, a video tutorial on the use of which will be given below, has the following advantages:

  • low curing rate compared to a cement composition, the drying period of which is a month;
  • moisture resistance - due to this property, the material does not crack and does not deform in rooms with high humidity or outside the building in rainy weather:
  • the material creates a flat surface, ready for finishing without the need for plaster;
  • the absence of harmful chemical compounds in the composition, which makes the use of the product safe for health;
  • vapor permeability - the material allows air to circulate, which prevents the emergence of a biological aggressive environment: mold and fungus;
  • ease of use - the tool is recommended for use by masters with no experience in construction.

Despite the good technical characteristics, Rotband plaster has disadvantages:

  • Shrinkage of the material. The manufacturer indicates that the product does not shrink. In practice, this is not confirmed. Like any gypsum plaster, the Rotband shrinks, but the manufacturer assures that this only happens if the rules for preparation and use are not followed.
  • High price. The cost itself is not too high. 30 kg of Rotband plaster cost about 350 rubles, but in the construction market you can find more affordable materials with similar characteristics.
Different packing of Rotband plaster


The consumption of the product is affected by the type of construction base for which the product is used, surface curvature, defects and the number of layers. In the instructions that are indicated on the package, the manufacturer notes that the consumption of the product is 8 kg per 1 m2, if the product is applied with a layer 12 mm thick.

Necessary tools

For decoration you will need:

  • plaster;
  • a primer;
  • primer tool;
  • set of spatulas;
  • solution container
  • industrial mixer or drill with mixer nozzle;
  • metal profiles 6 or 10 mm;
  • metal rail;
  • surface grater.

Building foundation preparation

To apply Rothband plaster, as video tutorials show, it is recommended on a prepared building foundation. Before finishing, remove the old coating. The walls are free from paint, wallpaper and tiles. Next, degrease the construction base. Where grease stains remain, the plaster will not adhere to the base. Then dust the dust and remove other dirt. If there are metal elements on the base that are also plastering, pre-coat these parts with an anti-corrosion agent. This manipulation will protect the parts from rust. The final stage of surface preparation is priming. Apply the primer first in one coat (as in the photo below). Then interrupt the work so that the material freezes. After that, put the second layer of the product and also take a break to dry the composition.


Solution mixing

To prepare Rotband plaster from Knauf, you will need a clean plastic container and an industrial mixer or drill with a mixer nozzle. Place the mixture in a bucket and add water. For 30 kg of product, 18 liters of cold water will be required. All proportions are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Knead the solution with the tool. As a result, a mass of medium density should be obtained so that it is easily applied to the surface and does not flow down.

Cooking material

Product Terms of Use

Masters without work experience who make repairs with their own hands are advised to carefully study the rules for applying the product. This will help to ensure a quality finish and avoid problems.

Application Technique

Instructions for use of the Rotband plaster:

  • install metal profiles on the surface at a distance of 130 cm from each other;
  • put material between the beacons and level them on the surface, using the rule for this, pressing it tightly against the guides and moving from bottom to top so that the composition lies flat and the excess product remains on the instrument;
  • dismantle the beacons and fill the voids with stucco;
  • wait until the composition hardens, and then clean the surface with a building grater;
  • apply a primer and take a break to dry;
  • put a second layer of plaster.

Surface alignment

To make the surface perfectly smooth, after 50 minutes run a metal strip over the material. Next, soak the building grater in water and treat the surface. This will eliminate the bumps. Next, finish.

The video in this article shows how to use the material correctly.

The Rotband plaster mix is ​​a material for leveling the surface, which has good technical characteristics and a long shelf life. The product is popular with both professional masters and amateurs.

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