Putty or putty - how to speak and write correctly

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

The difference between putty and putty
The difference between putty and putty is only in the spelling of the term

Carefully studying the packaging with building leveling mixtures in hypermarkets, you can find an amazing thing. The same material from different manufacturers can be called differently: putty - putty.
How right? Are there any differences between these mixtures?
Let's get it right.

Etymology of the term

Everyone who has at least somehow encountered a repair knows that the blade for applying the solution to the surface and leveling it is called a spatula. We can conclude that it is correct to write and say “putty”, since in this case the root is “spar”.
But it is not so. Let’s explain why.

The origin of the word putty

In the Russian language, the term putty or putty, which means sealing cracks and surface irregularities with a thick, viscous and quickly solidifying substance, came after the German word spatel, which means a flat spatula, which is used to level the mixture. It, in turn, came from the Latin spatha (spoon) or spathula (spoon).
Since Latin is the progenitor of many modern European languages, similar words can be found in them.
For instance:

  • In Italian - spatola;
  • In Polish - szpadel.

It is interesting. In the Dahl dictionary, in addition to the terms putty or putty, one more was used that was used in those days: putty. Perhaps its use is associated with the Polish sound of the original word.

Putty knife
Spatula - the main tool of the finisher

In each of these languages, a spatula was called a tool that not only builders, but also pharmacists, doctors, artists used for their work. Depending on the scope of application, it had (and now has) a different shape and size, but the essence of its use is the same: the collection of a small amount of the mixture, its application to the surface, followed by leveling.

The origin of the word putty

If we take the root “spar” as the basis of word formation, then according to the logic of the Russian language, the terms putty should be considered correct (seeHard putty for parquet - types, properties, application), putty. But where did the putty come from then? Maybe these are different materials? Then what is the difference between putty and putty?
Today is nothing. But earlier in Russia it was customary to close up various cracks and holes of tow, that is, to tow. Often tow was mixed with liquid resin, which, like putty, solidified after a while, reliably clogging the cracks.

Logging process
In the photo - the process of laying the log house

The towing process is in its essence very reminiscent of the actions performed by oneself when correcting surface defects with leveling mixtures. The words “putt” and “putty” are similar in their sound. Apparently, the merger of these words led to the emergence of a new word in Russian.

How to write correctly

If you ask how it is written - putty or putty, they can answer you in different ways. In fact, in modern dictionaries both of these terms are recognized as equal.
Perhaps with some reservations:

  • Putty - a literary form, generally accepted, used in colloquial everyday speech;
  • Putty is a form accepted by specialists. Such writing is most often found in regulatory and technical documents (GOST, technical specifications, instructions for use, etc.).

This is for verbs.
Almost the same story with nouns, but between the words putty and putty the difference is also found:

  • Putty is the leveling compound itself, which is applied to the plane to level it and fill potholes, cracks, crevices;
  • The term putty refers to the process of applying the mixture, that is, the action performed with it.
Writing through T or through K is equally common
Writing through T or through K is equally common

Note. It hardly seems to manufacturers to understand the linguistic characteristics of the origin of the terms. Therefore, putty and putty are equally common in stores - what is the difference, we have already found out. She just isn't there.


Since our portal is not aimed at learning the rules of the Russian language, but at helping beginner builders in the difficult task of repairing their home or other real estate, the video in this article is devoted to the process itself leveling the walls with putty. Or putty - as you like best. The price of the material and the cost of work do not depend on this.

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