Waterfall photo wallpaper: how to choose the right one

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Volumetric photo wallpaper with a picture of a waterfall
Volumetric photo wallpaper with a picture of a waterfall

Fashion for photo wallpaper has not been going on for many years, and manufacturers are well aware of this, offering our attention not only all new prints, but also materials and printing technologies. Today, you can not only buy a finished picture to your liking, but also print any photo. In this article we will talk about the murals waterfall, and how they can be used in the interior of an apartment or house.

Low waterfall - ideal for a small room

Symbiosis of water and mountains
Symbiosis of water and mountains

In fact, the popularity of landscapes with waterfalls is explained quite easily:

  • Water in itself is a calming landscape.
  • The mountain slopes are particularly beautiful, which is difficult to compete with.

High-quality three-dimensional printing can create so realistic pictures that looking at them you can hear the sound of falling water and the rustle of the wind in the crowns of trees.

An interesting fact is that such photo wallpaper has practically no restrictions on use. They alone fit well in the bedroom and living room, and sometimes can even serve as a key element in interior decoration.

Designers working on creating interiors also understand this, so they very often suggest using print on wallpaper. It should also be noted that the waterfalls wall murals can be very diverse, which means that they can be selected based on the general orientation of the apartment design and personal preferences.

Of course, there are several secrets to using such wallpapers in this or that room, but we will talk about them a little later, but for now we will consider the distinctive features of landscapes using waterfalls.

  • Large Alpine Waterfalls with lots of water and distant mountain landscapes.
  • A small waterfall from a mountain stream, with water overflowing over rocky ledges.
  • Giant waterfalls with a top view. to falling water.
  • Mountain or forest river with a slow flow and small ledges.
  • Fairytale or fantasy landscapes with a focus on waterfalls.

Each of these prints can be used in any room of the apartment, but if you follow the clear rules for creating and optimizing interiors, they all have their own characteristics, which will be discussed later.

Important! The larger the objects depicted in the photo, the larger the room should be, since such landscapes will visually overload a small room, and it will be uncomfortable.

Living room

Small waterfall in a large living room
Small waterfall in a large living room

Living room - a room in an apartment where a large amount of time is spent. It is here that the whole family gathers in the evening in front of the TV and it is here that they meet guests and spend holidays and parties.

All these factors require a special approach to the design of this room, which will shape the general perception of all who come to this house. The best location for the living room wall mural is the wall behind the sofa and opposite the TV. Here they will not distract attention, and at the same time, they will create a certain atmosphere.

Some useful tips


  • High waterfalls visually raise the ceiling and create the feeling that the room is much higher than it actually is.
  • The image of large waterfalls falling from high mountains will expand the space of the room, but will affect the cozy atmosphere.
  • Small mountain streams will give an atmosphere of calm and comfort.Such prints are especially suitable when there are children in the house, and parties are not held so often.
  • Wall murals should not be placed on the same wall as the TV, because when viewed, they will distract and scatter attention, which can cause rapid fatigue and headache.
  • The LED illumination around the photo wallpaper will look relevant, but it needs a special niche in which lighting devices will be hidden so as not to irritate the eyes.

DIY wallpapering (seeHow to glue wall murals: instructions) Is a difficult matter and for someone who has never encountered this, it can be very difficult. Therefore, before you begin to work, we strongly recommend that you watch the video, which provides detailed instructions for sticking and further care for photo wallpaper.


Kitchen apron waterfall
Kitchen apron waterfall

For most housewives, the kitchen is the place where most of the day is spent, so the right atmosphere is no less important than in the bedroom or living room. In addition, very often family lunches and dinners are held in the kitchen, and photo murals will be very welcome here.

One of the common problems of the kitchen is its relatively small size, especially when it comes to the notorious "Khrushchev", in which very many families live in our country. Wall mural waterfalls will help to solve this issue, even if only to a fraction of it, since such landscapes can deceive vision and visually expand the space.

An interesting fact is that in the kitchen, you can use photo wallpaper on any wall or its separate section. For example, the print on the apron above the work surface looks very attractive. You can also paste wallpaper near the dining area and table, and then you can eat while admiring the water and mountains.

As for color compatibility, all shades of green and yellow are ideal for photo wallpapers with waterfalls. These colors are considered "natural" and will not contradict the general atmosphere. In addition, shades of green have the ability to soothe and tune in a positive way.

Some useful tips


  • Ideal shades of green to combine with photo wallpaper are pistachio and olive.
  • In small kitchens, it is better to use photo wallpaper with an approximate view and without huge objects.
  • Photo wallpaper depicting a view of a waterfall from a window looks very relevant in a small kitchen.
  • Do not transfer the image to furniture or home decoration, as this will only overload the interior and create a feeling of obsession.
  • Red color is very poorly combined with natural landscapes, so it should be used very carefully.


Mountain waterfall in the bathroom
Mountain waterfall in the bathroom

Modern technologies allow not only to apply absolutely any pattern to the wallpaper, but also to use them in such difficult rooms in the apartment as the bathroom, where there is a constant amount of moisture and sudden temperature changes.

Of course, the price of sustainable wall murals for the bathroom is slightly higher than simple ones, but you can not worry about them, since they easily tolerate contact with water and steam. If we talk about the designer side of the issue, then where but in the bathroom is it important to use prints with the image of water. Moreover, it is desirable that in the selected landscape it is water that predominates, and not mountains or other elements of the landscape.

No less important for the bathroom can be considered a visual expansion of the space that we talked about above, and interestingly, here you can use such photo wallpaper on any wall. If you don’t want to overload the scenery with landscape murals with panoramic views, you can use small wall panels in the form of windows with views of the waterfall.

In addition to natural landscapes, you can use fabulous or fantasy images in the bathroom.Here they will not look elaborate or inappropriate, and besides, they will greatly delight children.

Important! Special wallpaper for the bathroom requires a special approach to gluing, and the technology is different from that used in other rooms. Therefore, if you decide to carry out the work yourself, it is advisable to first consult with specialists or read the relevant articles on the Internet.


An ideal option for a relaxing landscape for a bedroom
An ideal option for a relaxing landscape for a bedroom

The bedroom is a place of rest and sleep, in which a correct and peaceful atmosphere is especially necessary. So, the murals with images of waterfalls will fit here very harmoniously.

Types of water always bring calm to a person and are able to set him up for positive thinking. With such wallpaper in the bedroom, you can get an extra charge of energy in the morning, and in the evening and at night they will help to relax and sleep peacefully.

Many designers do not recommend gluing wall murals on the wall opposite the bed, but this does not apply to waterfalls, on the contrary, this place in the room can be considered one of the most successful. It is here that you can enjoy the water and the mountain scenery lying on the bed. Fantastic motifs are also suitable here, but the main thing is that such a print suits both the inhabitants of the room, unless of course we are talking about the family bedroom.

Some useful tips:

  • Very often, the murals in the bedroom are glued to the ceiling, but this should not be done with waterfalls, since such a landscape will put pressure on the eyes and cause constant fatigue and stress.
  • It is not worth gluing photo wallpaper on all walls, since the golden rule of creating the perfect interior is that there should be a measure in everything.
  • Any photo wallpaper, including waterfalls, looks perfect on the wall at the head of the bed. Here they will not be constantly in sight, which means you can use more saturated landscapes.
  • The larger the size of the photo wallpaper (seeHow to choose the size of the photo wallpaper) on the wall in the bedroom, the more they will load the space, and the more difficult the overall interior will look, so it is best to use small fragments.
  • To create a special atmosphere of coziness, you can use hidden lights for photo wallpaper with dim LEDs that can serve as a night lamp.

Advice! To create a backlight, you should not use LEDs of different colors, as they can change the color scheme in the picture, and, accordingly, the whole perception of the landscape with waterfalls.


Fairytale world and waterfalls - the perfect solution for a child’s room
Fairytale world and waterfalls - the perfect solution for a child’s room

Many caring parents pay much more attention to the children's room than any other room, and it is here that it is most difficult to determine the choice of finishing materials. It should be noted right away that modern photo murals, although made from vinyl, are completely harmless to the health of the child and will not be able to do any harm to him.

Interesting! Many parents noted that the child is much more careful about photowall-paper than to plain paper. This can be explained by the fact that the image of realistic landscapes sets up the child for creative thinking and perception of the world.

In addition to realistic landscapes, a picture with fabulous motifs is quite suitable in a children's room. Here you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the water and the waterfall will calm, and secondly, the child will be interested in fairy tales.

Some useful tips:

  • A very interesting solution for the nursery can be considered a mural with a picture of a window into a fairy-tale world or a waterfall.
  • Do not overload the interior of the nursery and glue the wallpaper on all the walls, as this will create a feeling of discomfort for the child and may cause despondency.
  • Landscapes with large objects are not suitable for a child’s room, as he will constantly have a feeling that something is pressing on him.

Advice! If you decide to use a small wall panel, then the frame for your photo wallpaper should be made only from safe materials, so it’s better to abandon polyurethane baguettes that are popular today.

As you can see, murals with images of waterfalls can be considered universal, since there are practically no restrictions for them, and the basic arrangement rules in the majority depend on personal preferences and the general design concept. Therefore, if repairs are started in the house and it is decided to use natural landscapes as decoration (seeNature mural for your design.), you should especially carefully look at the waterfalls.

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