What to choose wallpapers for purple kitchen

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Purple headset on a background of white walls
Purple headset on a background of white walls

A dream is a purple kitchen, is it worth the risk and if it will not be a disaster. Such questions are asked by anyone who dreams of a purple kitchen.

Dark colors are not chosen for small rooms, but if you really want to, you need to consider many factors so that such a kitchen does not suppress and repel.

Purple kitchen set

Purple kitchen set against blue walls
Purple kitchen set against blue walls

The kitchen in purple will look good in a large apartment - a studio, combined with a living room. Since it gives the impression of a large volumetric design. For a headset of this color, you need good lighting, perhaps even additional lights.

If you still get a purple suite in a small kitchen, you need to give preference to furniture with glossy surfaces and glass doors. This color is very special and combines with a few other colors. Therefore, the kitchen should not be overloaded with colors.

Important! When planning to purchase a purple kitchen set, be sure to consult your family, since not many people like this unusual color.

What does purple mean

Light purple kitchen with gray wallpaper
Light purple kitchen with gray wallpaper

What is violet color is a combination of cold blue and hot red. Violet color means the union of opposites. In color therapy, purple is associated with creativity, intuition and emotions.


  • Violet has always been considered the color of high society, its hue is purple and is still used in the clothing of kings and clergy. For example, Caesar believed that he was the only person who is worthy to wear purple.
  • Eccentric people have a real passion for this color. For example, Leonardo da Vinci wrote that he focuses better on purple. And the great Wagner composed in a room where purple curtains hung.
  • But not everyone experiences positive emotions, many this color frightens and depresses. The philosopher Spengler wrote in his notes: "Violet, it is red, seduced by blue, it is the color of a woman unable to give life, and the color of priests who have made a vow of celibacy."
  • In psychology, it is believed that the gentle shades of purple can help a person with an unstable psyche or doubting himself. And also there is a belief that the violet gamma can suppress appetite, which is very pleasant to the hostesses.
  • However, deep and saturated violet and its shades can do much harm. For people with an unstable psyche or emotional background, such colors are depressing and can even cause aggression. Also, such colors exacerbate addictions such as alcoholism or gambling.

The general characteristics of purple include:

  • saturation,
  • heaviness
  • cold,
  • calm
  • blackout
  • frightening,
  • wealth,
  • pomposity and many of its other features. But different shades differ in characteristics.

Violet color and its shades are suitable for creative people, melancholic people and most women. It should not be used in the bedroom and children's room. If you suddenly feel like it, you can make small purple accents, in the form of furniture or curtains. And it is better to choose its soft shades.

A color scheme

Pictured is a purple headset in a small kitchen
Pictured is a purple headset in a small kitchen

Violet color has several basic colors from which furniture is made, for example:

  • Eggplant.
  • Plum.
  • Lilac.
  • Lavender.
  • Amethyst.
  • Indigo.
  • Purple.
  • Purple.
  • Fuchsia.

Almost any of the shades of purple will ideally combine with white and gray (metallic) colors. A kitchen in such colors will look stylish, strict and tidy.

  • Hi-tech lovers will appreciate the mix of purple kitchens with metal walls and a dining table.
  • Daredevils choose a combination of purple and black, it looks luxurious and elaborate. This combination is not appreciated in a small room and it must be supported with accessories.
  • Connoisseurs of styles such as Art Nouveau or Art Deco can safely combine violet shades with pistachio or olive.
  • Red wallpapers for purple cuisine will cause a storm of sensuality and intimacy. Not everyone accepts such a mood in the kitchen.
  • Pink and tan wallpapers will harmonize well with the lilac facades. They will bring a touch of romanticism and tenderness to the kitchen.
  • Unusual combinations of violet with green or yellow. Such wallpaper for the kitchen with purple furniture, suitable for creative eccentric people or cheerful optimists. These colors create chaos and disorder, fun and good mood, it is closer to lovers of the loft style.
  • Blue, blue and cream wallpapers will look better with a purple hue. Also, the lilac kitchen will look profitable among soft brown and burgundy. Such colors will suit the Provence interior style (see. We select wallpapers in the style of Provence for the kitchen).
  • The violet color itself may vary depending on what color it is adjacent to. For example, a blue neighbor will turn violet into indigo, and red into purple. For the violet to remain its neighbors by itself, it needs neutral colors, like shades of white or gray.

To summarize what to combine the purple color:

  • With white perfect.
  • Metallic or gray is very good.
  • With black very carefully.
  • Good for art nouveau with pistachio and olive.
  • With red there is a lot of intimacy and sensuality.
  • Pink with lilac for romantics.
  • Yellow for fun people.
  • Purple with blue for Provence style.

If there is a purple kitchen and what kind of wallpaper everyone decides to choose, based on his character, mood and taste.

Purple wallpaper

Purple kitchen walls and white furniture
Purple kitchen walls and white furniture

Lovers of purple can, and the walls in the kitchen draw in this color. Purple wallpapers in the kitchen will look good if the room is large and spacious. It will look quite rich and exclusive. Although the price of the spent materials is not so high.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen is better to choose lilac or lilac shades. If with a picture, then dim and as if monotonous.

Will look good:

  • Silver patterns.
  • Dairy flowers.
  • Dark circles of different sizes.

To dilute the color, it is good to complement the kitchen, for example, in white or beige, make light ceilings, floors or curtains and a tablecloth. Also, you can make inserts on a free wall, lighter wallpaper, mirrors or tiles.

To complete the image of the whole kitchen, you can:

  • To decorate white or light curtains with purple bows or ribbons.
  • On a table with a light tablecloth, put a napkin holder with napkins of the desired shade.
  • An apron for the working area should be decorated with a mosaic with violet inserts or decorated with patterns and flowers to match the overall color.
  • Paint the chairs or make the seats purple.

You can dream up and come up with something else.

Advice! Do not get carried away with accents of the same color as the wallpaper, let it be its shades.


Violet wallpaper in the kitchen with white wallpaper with a purple pattern
Purple wallpaper in the kitchen combined with white wallpaper with a purple pattern

Choosing purple in the kitchen, each is guided only by its own tastes. Now, having learned in more detail what shades of this color are and what colors harmonize well, you can create an amazing designer kitchen interior with your own hands.

The video in this article shows detailed instructions on how to assemble the purple kitchen set yourself.

Visitors Comments
  1. Irina

    Thanks for the interesting information!

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