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Stucco layer Volma

Zaglumin Victor

The Russian stucco mixture Volma Layer is intended for interior finishing work in rooms with a normal level of humidity. The main component of the dry powder composition is gypsum. Additional ingredients - polymer plasticizers, stabilizers and other structural fillers. The solution of dry plaster has high adhesive properties, after hardening - impact resistance. Due to plasticity and dense consistency, the material is firmly held on the surface when applied in a thick layer. Volma plaster visually hides wall curvature, roughness and surface defects without the use of cement. Gypsum coating creates a flat surface and a ready-made base for painting, lining with decorative stone or ceramic tiles.

The plaster mix Volma Layer is sold in bags of multilayer kraft paper weighing 5, 15, 25 or 30 kg. The packaging printed instructions for the preparation of the solution and the requirements for storage. The gypsum mixture is stored on wooden pallets in dry warehouses in the temperature range of 0-25 degrees. From damaged bags, the mixture is removed, poured into the whole package and used first. The shelf life of Volma gypsum plaster is 12 months.

Stucco Volma

Scope of application

Material scope:

  • elimination of minor defects, surface leveling;
  • minor cosmetic repairs;
  • restoration work;
  • overhaul of interior walls from scratch;
  • topcoat before grouting with a sponge grater;
  • the formation of relief sculptures, arches, decorative elements.

When repairing with your own hands in a number of operations it is rational to use the Volma mixture: plastering the floor and ceiling, covering bricks, reinforced concrete slabs, wood, cellular concrete, drywall.

Important! Due to the properties of active moisture absorption, gypsum mixtures are unsuitable for exterior facade decoration, wall covering in the bathroom or in the household for washing and boiling water. If you want to design the wall with Volma, treat the base with a primer with protective properties. Avoid contact of gypsum and water.

In conditions of dry and normal humidity conditions, the Volma Layer plaster does not require priming and finishing puttying.

Mixture characteristics

Coating with a 10 mm layer requires a dry mix consumption of 9 kg per 1 square meter. After applying a centimeter layer of plaster, it takes from 5 to 7 days to dry completely. Active ventilation in the room will speed up the drying period. The solution begins to set in 45 minutes, after 3 hours it finally hardens, acquires a high density of up to 2 MPa and a smooth glossy surface. Additional puttying is not required. The temperature of the base during plastering is plus 5-30 degrees. The time for applying the solution to the wall after mixing is limited to a period of 20 minutes.

Solution preparation

To obtain a working consistency per 1 kg of dry matter take 0.55-0.65 l of water at room temperature. 1 bag weighing 30 kg consumes from 18 to 21 liters of liquid. The solution is kneaded in a clean plastic container. The walls of the tank are pre-wetted. Intensive mixing is carried out with a drill with a nozzle or a special mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the solution settles for 3 minutes. In the process of sludge, the components mature to a working state.After 3 minutes, the mass is again mixed until the complete disappearance of clots and lumps. The ready-to-use solution has the consistency of thick sour cream, does not drain from the working part of the tool, and has plasticity.


  • environmental safety (due to the composition of natural raw materials);
  • vapor permeability (contributes to a favorable atmosphere in the room);
  • strength and durability (no shrinkage);
  • active adhesion to the surface.

Volma is a practical, hygienic and economical material. The price of the mixture depends on the composition and packing volume.

How to plaster Volma Layer

Wall preparation

To obtain a durable and aesthetically attractive coating, carefully prepare the wall for plastering. Stages of work:

  • removal of pollution, dust removal of a surface;
  • removal of the remains of plaster and paint;
  • elimination of chips and cracks, leveling;
  • checking the curvature of the wall with a level;
  • installation of beacon profiles (if necessary);
  • processing of metal elements of the base with an anti-corrosion composition.


Before applying Volma Layer plaster, prepare the necessary tools. Keep in mind that the use of low-quality tools or technology errors will affect the appearance of the coating. Instructions on the manufacturer’s packaging include a description of the correct techniques for working with tools. Manual plastering with a Volma mixture is performed using:

  • falcon and rules;
  • trowel;
  • various spatulas;
  • leveling graters.
Volm's signature spatula

Trial application

Dilute a small amount of the mixture at the first stage to determine the time for processing a surface area of ​​1 square meter and adjust to the speed of work. The solution is applied to the wall no later than 20 minutes after preparation. If Volma plaster was not used as a rough cement mortar, but the layer thickness can reach 6 cm. For decorative finishing, the manufacturer recommends applying the material with a layer of 0.5-3 cm.

Sequence of operations

  1. Alignment basics. Using a trowel or a falcon, a solution is poured onto the wall, then the surface is leveled with the rule from the bottom up. Be guided by lighthouses or (if the wall is flat) by eye. Excess mortar fill holes and holes in the wall.
  2. Pruning. After setting the plaster, eliminate small roughness in local areas as a rule. If you have to lay tiles or paste wallpaper in the future, further processing is not necessary (except for the primer immediately before the final finish).
  3. Smoothing. 25 minutes after trimming, moisten the surface with water and drive on it with a sponge grater until the gypsum milk appears. Continue to smooth and fill the small pores with milk.
  4. Glossy. Finish the surface with a metal grater to mash and tamper residual irregularities.
  5. Drawing a decor. Using special tools, add a surface pattern or texture.

The choice of decor depends on personal preferences and tastes.

Wall decoration

One of the tasks for which Volma plaster is used is the decor of the wall surface in the original style. Using special rollers on a raw plaster, a textured texture is created. The tool for applying the volumetric pattern can be a regular spatula, a hard brush, a sponge grater, a trowel or an individually made molding tool. The master orderly presses the blade on the solution, which is in the process of setting. After hardening, the surface becomes patterned and embossed.

The material properties allow you to perform artistic decoration, create interesting drawings, apply complex techniques for working with dry plaster, paint the walls with paints. The photo shows the design options for the wall in the interior.

Types of relief on the wall

Useful Tips

  • buy a mixture with a margin of 5-10%;
  • apply plaster on the wall surface in the direction from top to bottom and from left to right;
  • plaster the ceiling from the opposite side to the windows;
  • hold the gun perpendicular to the plane of the wall (with machine plaster);
  • apply strips of mortar 70 cm long and overlap the previous application by 10 cm;
  • screeds between sections do the h-rule;
  • surface glossing should be done no earlier than 4 hours after plastering.

The video in this article will allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the technology of applying Volma plaster.

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