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Plaster lighthouse mounts: consider some options

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Plaster beacon mount
Plaster beacon mount

How to fix beacons under the plaster? To obtain, after finishing, a high-quality surface, work is best done using beacons. This is a universal method by which the walls are aligned, it is suitable for any plastering of the surface. The article will tell you how to mount for plaster beacons correctly.

What are lighthouses, their types

Lighthouses are bounding strips intended for the orientation of the master when covering a layer of plaster. Although it takes some time to install products do-it-yourself plastering on lighthouses It will be much simpler and faster, and the end result will be of higher quality.

Lighthouses are made of different materials:

  • From a special metal profile - a lighthouse rail, the height of which can be 3, 6 or 10 millimeters.

The advantages of such beacons:

  1. They are completely ready for use.
  2. Installation does not require much time.
  3. They do not need to be dried, plastering the surface can be done five hours after they are attached.
  4. It is better to use such products on small planes, fixing devices with dowels.
  5. Plaster beacons are sold in all construction stores.
Metal beacons
Metal beacons

The disadvantages of such devices include:

  1. In the manufacture and transportation of a batch of lighthouse rails may be twisted.
  2. When plastering a large area, it is quite difficult to get a flat surface in this way. After the solution has solidified, a beacon appears under it. To remove this defect, you need to apply an additional layer of glue, or grind the protruding parts.
  3. If the plaster on the lighthouses with their own hands is leveled with gypsum, after the end of the process, the lighthouse rails must be cut down, and then the formed irregularities should be closed. This is due to the fact that metal elements react with gypsum, which leads to the appearance of rust on the surface. Metal profiles, due to the large number of holes, have low strength. To impart rigidity to the structure, it should be smeared with mortar over the entire length, which after hardening can lead to the division of the surface in these places into pieces.
  • Lighthouses made of metal pipes

Their advantages:

  1. Great durability.
  2. It is not required to strengthen along the entire length of the solution.
  3. You can start surface finishing daily. lighthouse installations.
  4. Filling with a solution of the entire space under them allows you to get a continuous screed - it will not fall into pieces after hardening begins.
  5. For the manufacture, a pipe and a profile having a square cross section can be used, which is more preferable. Such products are stronger and almost always not bent.
  6. Such a lighthouse is removed from the screed the next day after installation, without any problems.

A defect in the product can be considered deflection if it is improperly removed from the screed.

  • Plaster or cement beacons

This is the easiest and most popular way - how to plaster corners with lighthouses. In this case:

  1. No additional materials required.
  2. Control their curvature.
  3. Transport to destination.
  4. With their help, you can get a flat plane on an area of ​​any size.

The disadvantages of such beacons:

  1. The difficulty of exhibiting products correctly.
  2. Protrude above the surface.

Lighthouse mount

Different fixtures for plaster beacons also determine the types of devices.

How to fix metal beacons under the plaster

Tip: Before you begin the work, you should watch the video: how to plaster the lighthouses? This will help to carry out all operations correctly, without the cost of additional time and money.

Fastening lighthouses for plaster can be done in two ways:

  • Dowels.
  • Solution.

When fixing with dowels, you will need to purchase:

  • A set of dowels, screws.
  • The rope.
  • Building level.
  • Hammer drill.
  • Metal lighthouse rails.
Fixing lighthouses with dowels
Fixing lighthouses with dowels

The photo shows the mounting method for plaster beacons made of a metal profile.

Work Instruction:

  • Before installing beacons for applying plaster, vertical markings should be applied on the wall with lines in increments of approximately 90 centimeters. In this case, the first line should be located, departing from the edge of 20 centimeters.

Tip: To control the line, you need to take a plumb line or level.

  • On the extreme lines along the entire length, in increments of 30 centimeters, holes with a diameter of 6 or 8 millimeters are drilled, which depends on the size of the dowels. The dowels can be replaced with choppers, in an effective but outdated way.
  • Screws are screwed, but not to the end. This will allow to further regulate the correct location of the surface. The self-tapping hats are aligned, lighthouse fastenings are put on them, and then the lighthouses themselves are attached.
  • Between the two obtained, fixed vertical profiles along the edges of the wall, the rope is pulled, and the protruding sections of the wall are determined. Screwing in and out of the screws adjusts the thickness of the plaster layer.
  • Guided by the stretched cord and using a template from part of the corner, screws on the remaining lines are similarly installed and the remaining lighthouses are fixed on them.

Then, after seeing how to plaster the video on the lighthouses, you can begin processing the walls. In this way, the thickness of the plaster layer can be adjusted.

How to fix beacons with solution

To do this, prepare:

  • The right amount of cement, sand, gypsum.
  • Metal lighthouse rails.
  • Level.

The sequence of operations:

  • Applying a rule or a suitable length to an even rail, the vertical curvature of the wall is checked.
  • The surface is marked in the same manner as for the previous method.
  • A thick mortar of cement and sand is mixed.

Tip: To reduce the setting period of the composition, gypsum should be added to it.

  • The resulting mixture is applied over the entire length of the extreme marked lines in small portions and beacons are molded to them.
  • Using a plumb line and level, the structure is leveled.
  • After the correct location, the beacon on top is attached with another portion of the solution.
  • The same is done along the rest of the lines.

How to install cement beacons

Cement Beacon Installation
Cement Beacon Installation

How to plaster on lighthouses? The video shows in detail the entire technology of installing cement beacons. Their price is the smallest, but the complexity is greater.

The procedure is as follows:

  • It retreats from the corner of the wall and from the ceiling 30 centimeters, a nail is driven in so that its hat protrudes from the surface to the thickness of the plaster layer.
  • A plumb line is fixed to the nail and lowers down. It should be 10 centimeters from the floor.
  • Having retreated about 20 centimeters from the floor, the second nail is clogged, focusing on the cord.
  • They also drive in nails for installing the first lighthouse: the third - from above, and the fourth - from below.
  • Ropes are pulled:
  1. between the first nail and the fourth;
  2. between the second and third.

Tip: Make sure that the rope does not touch the surface of the wall. Upon contact, the nails should be pulled out of the wall a little and find a new position for it, using a plumb line.

  • The remaining lighthouses are installed.
  • The solution is prepared and applied to the nails.The level of coverage should be slightly higher than the level of the caps.
  • After the hardening of the mixture begins, its excess is cut off.
  • After fixing the beacons, a rule is applied to them.
Using the rule when plastering a wall
Using the rule when plastering a wall
  • The space between it and the wall is filled with a solution.
  • After the hardening of the composition begins, the rule is removed.
  • On the wall, guides in the form of strips were obtained from the solution, plastering of the wall will be carried out on them.

For those who have never done plastering when choosing any kind of lighthouses, the video in this article will help to understand all not quite clear points.

Visitors Comments
  1. It should be noted that just when using lighthouses, the walls turn out to be of excellent evenness. But it’s probably troublesome to fix the same beacons on a cement mortar. Well, if you have to face this. then make a light landing of the lighthouse on a thick solution, and then grab in several places with alabaster. The lighthouse will be stiffer, on the solution there may be lighthouses floating.

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