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How to plaster the walls in the bathroom?

Rybnikov Alexey

When decorating the bathroom, plastering of the walls is often performed. Particular attention is recommended to be paid to the choice of material, since in this room there is high humidity and temperature differences often occur. For this reason, before reconstruction, it is important to find out how to plaster the walls in the bathroom and learn the decoration technique.

Stucco walls in the bathroom

Do I need to plaster the walls in the bathroom?

Plastering the walls in the bathroom is an obligatory stage of decoration, especially if the wall has curvatures and defects. The material masks imperfections and levels the building foundation. Plaster cannot be dispensed with if the finish is tiled or stained. In these cases, the appearance of the finish and the operational period of the reconstruction depend on the quality of the prepared surface.

Some lovers think that if the surface drops are insignificant, then special glue will solve the problem when tiling. However, this opinion is erroneous. Tile glue is applied in a small layer, so the tool will not fix even small curvatures. If you increase the thickness of the layer, this will lead to an increase in the cost of finishing and the collapse of the material after drying. For this reason, ignoring plastering is not recommended. The material will correct wall defects and will not entail large reconstruction costs.

It is not necessary to plaster the walls in the bathroom if plastic panels fixed to the frame are used for plating. In this case, the construction base is not leveled, because the finish coating itself creates a flat surface.

Plastered walls in the bathroom

Material requirements

The plastering of the walls in the bathroom should be carried out by a special composition that meets the following requirements:

  • increased moisture resistance;
  • increased strength;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • increased density;
  • resistance to mold and mildew;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • long operational period.

If the requirements are met, then the finish will last for a long period without loss of appearance.

Types of mixtures for the bathroom

How to plaster the walls in the bathroom - such a question arises for amateurs who decided to do the restoration of this room with their own hands. Only moisture-resistant cement or gypsum materials are suitable for the bathroom. Each of these products has advantages and disadvantages, which are recommended to consider when choosing a composition.

Cement Based Products

Cement-based material - this is what it is recommended to plaster the walls in the bathroom. The composition is highly resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. The product does not break down even in direct contact with water. For these reasons, the product is suitable for use in the bathroom.

Cement plaster in addition to the main component also contains plasticizers and hydrophobic additives. Such substances increase the elasticity of the product, which simplifies the application of the solution. Lack of material - it shrinks, so before facing or staining it is recommended to wait until the product completely hardens.

Cement plaster application

Gypsum compounds

Plaster-based material is not the best option for plastering the walls in the bathroom. The main component has the ability to absorb moisture, which is unacceptable in this room. To enhance moisture resistance, modifying components are added to the composition. Despite this, gypsum-based plaster is used in rare cases and only in spacious bathrooms with a good hood. If the room has a small area and a poor ventilation system, then condensation will constantly appear on the walls during water procedures, which will lead to the destruction of the material.

Gypsum plaster for the bathroom

Material cost

The cost of the material depends on the type, weight and manufacturer. Reasonable price for domestic cement plaster. Such a product can be purchased for 180 rubles for 25 kg. The cost of similar material and the weight of a foreign manufacturer is from 260 rubles. Gypsum plaster is more expensive. The price of a domestic product for 25 kg is 250 rubles. The cost of imported material is about 380 rubles per bag, weighing 25 kg.

Plastering technology

It is important to know not only how, but also how to plaster the walls in the bathroom. To finish lasting not one year, it is recommended to carefully study the technique of applying the solution.

Materials and Tools

To plaster the walls in the bathroom, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • plaster;
  • primer;
  • primer dispensing container;
  • a bucket for preparing plaster;
  • priming roller or brush;
  • industrial mixer or drill with mixer nozzle;
  • special ladle or trowel;
  • rule
  • long spatula;
  • special grater for grinding.
Tools for surface plastering

Surface preparation

The plaster is not applied to the old finish. Before using the material, the tile is dismantled (as in the photo below), the paint is removed, the whitewash is washed off. Then large differences are cut off by a grinder or grinding tool. The surface is tapped with a hammer to reveal fragile fragments and get rid of them.

Defects of the building base expand and deepen. Cracks are treated with a primer. Then the defects are filled with a solution. In this case, a thick consistency product is used so that the material conceals imperfections.

It is strongly recommended that the holes through which the pipes pass are closed. Remove old plaster and construction debris. A large hole is recommended to be repaired with broken brick. To do this, the product is soaked in cold water for a quarter of an hour and placed in holes. The material is fixed with cement mortar.

After sealing cavities, cracks, holes and other defects, the surface is degreased. If oil or other similar stains are present on the building base, the plaster will not cling to the wall.

The surface is cleaned of dust and dirt. If necessary, the walls are washed with water. If such manipulation is carried out, then the next step in the finishing process only proceed after the base has dried.

A clean and dry surface is primed. The primer is applied in two layers with a break for drying.

Tile Dismantling

Beacon Installation

If the bathroom has a small area, and surface differences are insignificant, then the guides do not expose. Lighthouses are needed for large rooms. The guides are fixed on a building base with a repair mortar. First, beacons are installed on the sides, and then around the perimeter at a distance less than the length of the rule.

Solution mixing

The solution is kneaded in strict accordance with the instructions on the package. Cold water is poured into a clean bucket and plaster is added. Using a construction mixer or other similar tool, the solution is kneaded to a homogeneous composition. The result should be a consistency of thick sour cream.The product is left for 5-10 minutes and stirred again. It is important to use the solution for half an hour, otherwise the material will harden and become unusable.

Solution preparation


The material is applied in two ways:

  • Automated wall plastering. It is carried out using a special machine. The device has a high cost, so it is rarely purchased for home use. Mechanical plastering is performed by professionals.
  • Manual application of material. Most often, plastering is performed by this method. The manual method of applying the material does not allow to achieve an absolutely even surface, like a mechanized one, but if you adhere to the finishing technology, the result will also be satisfactory.
Automated Wall Plaster

Starting layer

Instructions for applying the starting layer of the solution:

  • moisten the base with water;
  • sprinkle a solution of liquid consistency on a surface with a layer thickness of not more than 5 mm - in this case the material is not evened out.

Rough finish

The algorithm for applying the rough layer:

  • sprinkle a solution of medium density on the surface with a layer of 5 mm;
  • Flatten the material using a rule.
  • remove excess composition with a spatula;
  • fill in all the recesses, if any.


Finishing is carried out only after the hardening of the rough layer of plaster. Application Rules:

  • moisten the surface with water;
  • apply a solution of 2 mm with a spatula;
  • without waiting for the material to solidify completely, grind the surface with a special grater;
  • apply a primer, wait for the composition to dry and finish.
Leveling plaster by rule

Decorative plaster for the bathroom

To finish the bathroom, decorative plaster is often used as a topcoat. The material finally levels the surface, conceals imperfections and forms an unusual relief on a building base.

To decorate the walls in the bathroom, it is recommended to use the following types of plaster:

  • Mineral material. It has increased moisture resistance and vapor permeability. The lack of funds - poorly applied to the surface.
  • The polymer composition. This is a moisture resistant product, but the product has poor vapor permeability. For this reason, the material is recommended to be used only in a well-ventilated area.
  • Silicone product. The main advantage is a long operational period.
  • Silicate material. This product is preferred by many professionals. This is because the material forms a moisture-resistant coating on the surface, under which mold and fungus do not occur.

After applying decorative plaster, it is recommended to treat the base with mastic with wax. This will increase the life of the finish.

Decorative plaster in the bathroom

In the video in this article, the master tells and demonstrates how to plaster the walls in the bathroom.

Knowing how to plaster the walls in the bathroom, you can independently choose the suitable material. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the technique of using the product and then the result of the restoration of the premises will satisfy even the most demanding master.

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